The Relationship between Children's Knowledge of Time and the Formation of Universal Learning Activities in a Digital Environment
General Information
Keywords: time knowledge, universal learning activities, digital environment, intelligence, time knowledge questionnaire, elementary school children
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The reported study was funded by Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, topic: "The study of cognitive and communicative processes in adolescents and young men in solving game and learning tasks in digital environments".
For citation: Shepeleva E.A., Solodkova A.V. The Relationship between Children's Knowledge of Time and the Formation of Universal Learning Activities in a Digital Environment. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2022): Collection of Articles of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 17-18, 2022 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2022., pp. 274–281.
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