Features of Play Activity in Preschoolers with Different Levels of Computer Activity



The thesis focuses on identifying specific traits of play activity in children with high and low levels of screen time. Research methods included “Method of diagnostics of role-playing games” by E.O. Smirnova, I.A. Ryabkova and “Diagnostics of the development of playing skills” by R.R. Kalinina, as well as questionnaire, elaborated by the author of the thesis to evaluate different aspects of children’s interaction with digital content. The empirical study was conducted from December 2019 to January 2021. 13 children between 4 and 6 years of age participated in the longitudinal study. The analysis of the collected data showed that the level of computer activity is associated with such characteristics of play activity as subject substitution; interaction, organizing the game; plot elaboration; role behavior; play actions; the use of attributes and implementation of rules. The more time the child spends interacting with gadgets, the lower are the indicated characteristics of play. The results of the study are interesting for psychologists, educators, and parents, and may be used particularly in elaborating recommendations concerning preschoolers’ interaction with digital media.

General Information

Keywords: play activity, preschool age, the level of computer activity (screen time), gadgets, digital content

Publication rubric: Digital Transformation and Online Education: Technologies, Tools & Models

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Salomatova O.V. Features of Play Activity in Preschoolers with Different Levels of Computer Activity. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2021): Collection of Articles of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 11-12, 2021 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2021., pp. 161–171.


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Information About the Authors

Olga V. Salomatova, MA in Psychology, junior research fellow of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research of Contemporary Childhood, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1723-9697, e-mail: agechildpsy@gmail.com



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