Do We See the Person Behind the Digital-Data? Data Analysis at Different Levels of Education Management



The methodology of big data analysis in education, based on the anthropological and institutional approach in data analytics, is considered. In socially-oriented states and state development programs, the methodological and analytical tools for assessing their effectiveness in the context of human potential development are changing. Data analysis is considered at different levels of education and human development management: at the level of educational organizations, at the territorial, sectoral, and state levels. The object of the research was information and analytical systems in the field of education, analysis tools used in the IAS, as well as public reports on the implementation of educational development programs at different levels of government. Research methods: structural and functional analysis of the IAS tools, discourse analysis of public reports, analysis of normative legal acts on the regulation of IAS in the field of education. Conclusions about changes in methodological, regulatory, instrumental and analytical approaches to working with data in the field of education are formulated. The system of training and retraining of managerial personnel in the field of education is analyzed in the logic of the paradigm of humanitarian management, evidence-based development and evidence-based policy.

General Information

Keywords: methodology of big data analysis in education, anthropological approach, institutional approach in data analytics

Publication rubric: Intelligent Technologies in Humanities and Education

Article type: scientific article

Funding. The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Ba¬sic Research (RFBR), project number 19–29–14016

For citation: Fiofanova O.A. Do We See the Person Behind the Digital-Data? Data Analysis at Different Levels of Education Management. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2021): Collection of Articles of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 11-12, 2021 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2021., pp. 400–414.


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Information About the Authors

Olga A. Fiofanova, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Pedagogy, Scientific Head of the Center for Education, RANEPA -Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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