On the relations between writing and thinking



This article discusses aspects of the relation between writing and thinking within the framework of cultural-historical psycholinguistics. Based on a psycholinguistic conception of writing and reflections on a cultural-historical concept of thinking, the article first summarizes hypotheses about the relations between writing and thinking and then explores the possibility of empirical access to these processes, where the concept of ‘trace’ plays an important role. This is followed by a presentation of writing-thinking-types and a model of writing-thinking-relations, which are based on an empirical study on diary writing. The article concludes with a synopsis of further research topics and possible connections to language acquisition and language teaching contexts.

General Information

Keywords: Cultural-historical psycholinguistics, Diary writing, Empiric study, Higher psychological functions, Thinking, Writing, Writing-thinking-types, Written speech

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Surd-Büchele S. On the relations between writing and thinking [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 5, pp. 121–141.


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Information About the Authors

Stefanie Surd-Büchele, University of Munich, Germany, e-mail: surd-buechele@web.de



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