Knowledge-acquisition, Conceptual Change and the instructional strategy AC



The contribution presents an overview of contemporary discussion on problems of knowledge-acquisition in classroom. In its focus are knowledge representation, conceptual change and knowledge transfer. These theoretical issues are discussed in coherence with the instructional strategy ascending from the abstract to the concrete. It is shown that the instructional strategy is close fitting to conceptual change research in terms of content and methodology and offers an approach to answer some until now open questions.

General Information

Keywords: Abstraktion empirische theorietische, Aneignung von Wissen, Aufsteigen vom Abstrakten zum, Konkreten, Begriffsbildung, Alltagsbegriff, wissenschaftlicher Begriff, Conceptual change, Dekontextualisierung, Lernen -situatives -systematisches, Lehrstrategie AK, Sinnkonstruktion, Rekontextualisierung, Reprasentation begriffliche, Wissenstransfer

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Giest H. Knowledge-acquisition, Conceptual Change and the instructional strategy AC [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 4, pp. 65–100.


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Information About the Authors

Hartmut Giest, Doctor of Education, Full professor at the University of Potsdam., Potsdam, Germany, e-mail:



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