Social Sciences and Childhood
2024. Vol. 5, no. 3, 40–53
ISSN: 2713-0584 (online)
Specifics of Educational Work in Organizations for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care
The article examines the features of educational work in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care. Based on the analysis data, the representation of different forms of educational work and their specificity associated with the target focus on overcoming orphan trauma and preparing pupils for independent life, as well as with adaptation to the age characteristics of pupils and their health are characterized. The features of educational work in family groups determined by the creation of conditions as close as possible to family ones are revealed. Significant differences between educational work in organizations for orphans and educational work in schools and kindergartens are shown. The main educational traditions in organizations for orphans are identified and the key aspects of their influence on pupils are characterized. The tendency of an increase in the number of organizations for orphans developing educational work on the basis of a working educational program is confirmed. This development is an integral part of the event in paragraph 86 “Creating conditions in organizations for orphans that are close to family-like” and paragraph 88 “Development and definition of requirements for the competencies of specialists of organizations for orphans” of the Plan of the main events carried out within the framework of the Decade of Childhood for the period up to 2027 (Order of January 23, 2021 No. 122-r).
General Information
Keywords: organizations for orphans, pupils of organizations for orphans, educational work in organizations for orphans, forms of educational work, educational group, educational traditions
Journal rubric: Age-Related Psychology
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The study was carried out to fulfill state assignment No. 073-00037-24-01 by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2024 “Scientific and methodological substantiation of the content and forms of educational work with pupils of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, development and testing of criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of educational work (Applied Research)”.
Received: 16.09.2024
For citation: Bobyleva I.A., Semya G.V. Specifics of Educational Work in Organizations for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sotsial’nye nauki i detstvo = Social Sciences and Childhood, 2024. Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 40–53. DOI: 10.17759/ssc.2024050303. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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