Andreeva G.M. Manager's Role-Repertoire in Conditions of Social Transformations pp. 5–14 PDF (in rus.) 1125
Labunskaya V.A. Hope as the Provision for Psychological Security of the Person and the Society pp. 15–26 PDF (in rus.) 1531
Kondratyev M.Y. Intragroup Structuring in the Communities of Juvenile Offenders in Conditions of Compulsory Isolation pp. 50–70 PDF (in rus.) 763
Kondratyev M.Y., Lyubimova O.A. Itragroup Structuring and Interpersonal Perception in Real Contact and Virtual Volunteer Groups pp. 71–86 PDF (in rus.) 678
Alaverdova L.L. After suicide: for those who have survived the death of their loved ones and for those who surround survivors pp. 87–110 PDF (in rus.) 7203
Makushina O.P. Predisposition to Various Addictions in a Modern Family pp. 111–122 PDF (in rus.) 2278
Dubov I.G. The Study of Vitality and Persistence Levels in Representatives of Large Groups Using a Modified Pavlovian Temperament Survey by J. Strelau pp. 123–137 PDF (in rus.) 1926
Kochetova T.V. Applying D. Buss Questionnaire "Events and Behaviors Affecting Status and Reputation"in the Russian Sample pp. 138–148 PDF (in rus.) 723
Kondratyev M.Y., Meshkova N.V. The Range of Socio-Psychological Problems of Small Groups as Discussed at the Regular Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Professor A. V. Petrovsky pp. 149–156 PDF (in rus.) 554