2011. no. 2, 33–34
ISSN: 2078-7081
The problem of the information consumerism as a destructive social-psychological factor
The article addresses the issues of consumer informationment characteristic of the consumer society, received the propagation of the developed countries today.
General Information
Keywords: consumerism, advertising, deviation.
Journal rubric: Psychology
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Doroshin B.A., Doroshina I.G. The problem of the information consumerism as a destructive social-psychological factor. Sociosfera = Sociosphera, 2011. no. 2, pp. 33–34.
Full text
In the 50's – 60's. XX century. level of the leading capitalist countries, the increase in their welfare and smoothing of social contradictions, the emergence of computer technology and new forms of organization of production have led to the emergence of sociological models of "consumer society", "a society of mass consumption", "affluent society." We believe urgent reconsideration of this problem in the context of the current bourgeois reforms in Russia.
Stage, which today includes the development of mankind, is characterized not only as a "consumer" but as "information society". The combination of these two characteristics makes talking about information consumerism.
Particularly devastating this factor is due to quality dominants of the information field of the capitalist countries. Their means of mass communication in the mainstream ideology of “consumer society" organize their activities on the basis of biologization representations about the person. They seek to maximize the demand for its information product from the consumer, turning to ensure the most massive, "universal" – built on instincts unconscious sphere of the human psyche.
This approach is clearly manifested in the implementation of this important principle of "consumer society", as a massive advertising. Psychologists proved that when consumers choose not to purchase certain goods quality and image, to a large extent shaped advertisement – an image that causes a reaction primarily to the reflex level. Hype of the goods, often unavailable or unnecessary to the mass consumer, or nonquality and even harmful to health, often harms not only individuals but also society as a whole. For example, in the modern media is almost nonstop there are calls to acquire expensive products of the leading corporations, formed a cult of hightech comfort, luxury, light and beautiful life. This contributes to the emergence of many citizens that have no real legitimate chance to implement these standards, the inferiority complex and the motives for deviant behavior. Particularly devastating effect such advertising has in countries with severe social and economic situation, particularly in Russia, where crime rates are already very high. Very significant adverse impacts associated with mass alcoholism, especially among young people, is so common on Russian TV channels advertising beer.
One of the features of Western and Westernized form of domestic video production – hypertrophy of the theme of violence. Representatives of social biologism explain it as an unconscious desire to meet the consumer identify with the subject of violence to compensate for their fear and their weakness. Freud distinguishes psychological defense mechanism called "identification with the aggressor", which helps the ego to stand in a brutal intrapersonal struggle between the superego, assumed the role of a terrible and powerful aggressor, and Id like a child directly affected by fear. In Jungian all the most irreducible illustrative features pushed into the archetype of the personal unconscious shadow. Enjoying horror screensaver individual sees no stranger maniac, threatening strangers but his own shadow, his hidden desires. Shadow as the pursuer, the seducer or visions of Horror – corresponds to an evil alter ego. One of the two basic instincts, Freud believed Thanatos – the desire for death, aggression and selfdestruction. From this perspective, the love of violent scenes in the movie is working off unsold (or are not fully realized) of the death instinct.
Thus, one of the dominant media culture «consumer society» actualizes the dark, destructive, and if we start from the concept of function of the archetypes of the collective unconscious – the demonic, satanic aspects of the human psyche. High concentrations of aesthetic product, expressing this dominant, in the information field of Russia, may be regarded as a psycho in relation to its population, and as a spiritual erosionvalued activities in regard to religious foundations of national consciousness. In general, in our opinion, considered here by the Information consumerism contribute to atomization and the demoralization of society.
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