The interaction between criminal-executive inspections, and psychological center working with motivation and mental state convicted conditionally



The article discusses the changes of motivation and mental States, people on probation and parole in the age of from 18 up to 35 years, whose main reason for conviction – robbery, robbery, use of psychoactive substances. The selected audience is predominantly men. Describes a psychological study of the personalities of probation and parole citizens on the basis of the tests: CHOICE lusher, a Test questionnaire G. Shmishek and K. Leongard (a technique of accentuation of character and temperament), Neurotic personality traits (NL) modification of L. I. Wasserman, B. V. Iovlev. The concept of development criminally-executive system of the Russian Federation until 2020 provides for the further development of alternatives to imprisonment. It is expected therefore making the activity of criminal-Executive inspection (UII) social focus, providing for the re-socialization of convicts in close cooperation with civil society institutions. Most urgently today is the question of socio-psychological and educational work with convicts. The involvement of the public, rehabilitation centers and other organizations in the process of social adaptation and rehabilitation of convicted persons is in the spirit of the time and demand of the main provisions of the concept of development UIS the Russian Federation until 2020. The development provides for UII at the same time as the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of social, psychological and educational work with convicts, and to raise the level of professional training of their employees.

General Information

Keywords: motivation, mental health, probation, criminal-executive inspection, psychological center.

Journal rubric: Penitentiary Psychology and Penal Practice

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Nikolaev E.V., Struchkova V.N. The interaction between criminal-executive inspections, and psychological center working with motivation and mental state convicted conditionally [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2017. Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 10–19. DOI: 10.17759/psylaw.2017070402. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Egor V. Nikolaev, PhD in Education, associate professor, associate Professor of the Department of pedagogy and methodology of elementary education, Technical Institute (branch) of Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "North-Eastern Federal University. M. K. Ammosov" in Nerungry, Respublika Sakha, Neryungri, Russia, e-mail:

Vera N. Struchkova, teacher-psychologist, the branch of the State budgetary institution of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) "Center for social and psychological support family and youth" in the municipality "neryungrinskiy district", Neryungri, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Neryungri, Russia, e-mail:



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