Peculiarities of self-regulation of extreme profile specialists



Individually-psychological characteristics were studied and profiles of the styles of self-regulation of the employees engaged in hazardous were determined. The mainly group consisted of 30 men aged 21 to 60 years, who are specialists of dangerous professions. The comparison group included 30 men from 22 to 60 years, whose professional activity was not associated with risk. The following methods were used: questionnaire "Style of self-regulation of behavior" by V. I. Morosanova; questionnaire of self-control (H. Grasmik, 1993, adaptation Bulygina V. G., Abdrazakova A. M., 2009); the questionnaire BIS/BAS, used to study the sensitivity to punishment and reward; the questionnaire formal-dynamic properties of individuality by V. M. Rusalov; the aggression questionnaire by A. Buss and M. Perry (adaptation Enikolopov S. N., Cybulski N. P., 2007); the scale of anxiety Charles D. Spielberger (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory – STAI); personal questionnaire of the G. and S. Eysenck – EPQ. It was found that specialists hazardous professions are distinguished by: a higher level of development of the regulatory flexibility and individual system of conscious self-regulation activity; higher levels of extroversion, communication activity, the total adaptability; a lower level of reactive anxiety, trait anxiety and general emotional. Moreover, impulsiveness, egocentrism, lack of restraint and physical activity in the structure of self-monitoring specialists of dangerous professions associated with high levels of affective component of aggression and incoherence of parts of the process of self-regulation. There were allocated a 3 profile of self-regulation in specialists of dangerous professions: a) a high level of self-regulation – coupled with a high intellectual and physical development, the highest level of adaptability and general activity; b) medium – rapid response to emerging changes in the situation, the successful production alternatives, greater flexibility in the process of communicating with less intellectual and physical activity; c) low – the most developed stage of self-regulation is assessment of results with low rates of formal-dynamic properties of individuality and adaptability at the same time.

General Information

Keywords: extreme conditions, professional activity, dangerous profession, self-regulation, profiles of self-regulation, self-control, individual-typological characteristics, maladjustment, stressful factors.

Journal rubric: Psychology of Professional Activity

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Kabanova T.N., Pleshakova E., Dubinsky A.A., Vasilchenko A. Peculiarities of self-regulation of extreme profile specialists [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2017. Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 89–105. DOI: 10.17759/psylaw.2017070108. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Tatiana N. Kabanova, PhD in Psychology, Senior science researcher of the Laboratory of psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, Federal State Budgetary Institution “V. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

Evgeniya Pleshakova, Student, Department of Legal Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

Alexander A. Dubinsky, PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Psychohygiene and Psychoprophylaxis, V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Alesya Vasilchenko, PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher, V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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