Prevention of risk factors of crime prison



The aim of the study is to examine the psychological risk factors of committing penal offenses and their possible prevention. The study was conducted on the basis of Federal Penitentiary Institution Pretrial Detention Centre № 4, Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service Russia in Moscow during the period from February to April 2013. The study involved 90 people from among the suspects, accused, convicted prisoners in this facility. Of these, 45 were persons of the total mass of special contingent who are not under preventive supervision in jail, 19 were persons in preventive supervision as suicidal, 12 were persons, prone to escape, and 14 subjects were prisoners held in custody, prone to the use of drugs and alcohol. The sample is representative of the main criminological parameters. To conduct the study, we used the procedures to study the personality of a prisoner as a whole, as well as the procedures provided for the study of certain categories of prisoners being on the preventive supervision in jail (for those who are prone to suicide, escape, use of drugs and alcohol).

General Information

Keywords: prison crime, risk factors, psychological prevention.

Journal rubric: Penitentiary Psychology and Penal Practice

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Debolsky M.G., Krotova D. Prevention of risk factors of crime prison [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2013. Vol. 3, no. 3 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Michael G. Debolsky, PhD in Psychology, associate professor, Professor, Department of legal psychology and law, faculty of legal psychology, Moscow State University of psychology and education (MSUPE), leading researcher, PKU research Institute of the Federal penitentiary service, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Darya Krotova, Applicant of the penitentiary psychology and pedagogy of deviant behavior Faculty of Legal Psychology, MSUPE, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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