Subject-activity approach to the study of motivational factors of officers’ personality



On the basis of subject-activity approach, we consider motivational conceptual characteristics of officers’ personality traits, their relationship with professional activities in special circumstances. Based on synthesis of existing views on the problem of professional motivation, we offer its structural model, based on this methodological approach. We revealed the content (motives and goals) and appearances (ways and means) of motivation in professional activities. Based on structured driving forces, we revealed the internal motivations that determine orientation of military activity in professional behavior and regulation of objectively existing conditions and situations of professional activity. We investigated their role in formation of professional activity motivational factors. The data show that the motivation of an officer will be predetermined by synthesis of capabilities, abilities and his own activity, as well as by the requirements of the activity, in terms of its content, features, tools, and conditions.

General Information

Keywords: motivation, personal characteristics, professional activity in special circumstances, subject-activity approach.

Journal rubric: Personality-oriented Psychotechnologies in Law Enforcement

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Osyodlo V.I., Kovalchuk A.P. Subject-activity approach to the study of motivational factors of officers’ personality [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2013. Vol. 3, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Vasiliy I. Osyodlo, PhD in Psychology, Associate professor, Head of Psychology and education department, National University of Defense, Ukraine, e-mail:

A. P. Kovalchuk, Associate Professor, National University of Defense of Ukraine, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine



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