The problem of subjectivity of employees in the system of internal affairs



The article describes a "subject" in the definition of local psychologists, within acmeological approach considering the possibility of subjective manifestations of police officers in the course of their professional development in the ATS system. On the example of the dynamics of the system of prevention of crimes and administrative offenses by internal affairs bodies derive the basic contradiction of the ATS system as versatile and dynamic organization, on the one hand, it requires subjectivity from employees, but has the authoritarian, the subject-object management style. The paper shows that the whole system of educational work with the employees of the Interior, despite the attempt to reform it, is the subject-object nature. The argument is an analysis of some materials: guidelines for moral and psychological support operational activity ATS RF manuals for the organization of educational work with the staff of ATS. Encouraged to develop and implement methods of training and education, developing personal self-government employees and their personal coping behavior.

General Information

Keywords: subject, the subject-object approach, the system of internal affairs, psychological acmeological impact, personal self-management, coping, personal behavior, police officers.

Journal rubric: Personality-oriented Psychotechnologies in Law Enforcement

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Burtseva E. The problem of subjectivity of employees in the system of internal affairs [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2013. Vol. 3, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Evgenija Burtseva, PhD in Education, senior lecturer, chair of humanities, Vladivostok branch of Far-eastern Legal Institute, Russian Ministry of the Interior, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:



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