Psychological-Educational Studies
2023. Vol. 15, no. 4, 25–42
ISSN: 2587-6139 (online)
Investigating the Effectiveness of the System for Training Bachelor Teachers in Health Promotion
A healthy nation is the main foundation and the main strategic resource of the economy and security of the Russian Federation, therefore the relevance of the phenomenon of health-saving continues to persist to the present time. The purpose of this work was to diagnose the formation of the main components of the personality of the health-preserving type student and to develop pedagogical technologies aimed at its formation. The study involved fourth-year students of all fields of education (N=199), the age of the respondents was 20 - 22 years old, of whom 79.22% (158) were female. A diagnosis of the formation of cognitive, motivational-value and activity components in the personality structure of a student of the health-saving type was carried out in the work with the help questionnaires using the method of A.R. Kamaleeva and N.V. Novozhilova, S.G. Dobrotvorskaya, the “Attitude to Health” questionnaire proposed by R.A. Berezovskaya, and also used the solutions to pedagogical cases we developed. To check statistically significant deviations in groups of students belonging to different faculties, we used analysis of variance. The data obtained during the study allowed us to conclude that the system of teacher training in the field of health-saving for the future teacher, who is both an object and a subject of health-saving activities, is not sufficiently effective. In the personality structure of the health-saving type, the activity component is the least developed, with a high level of formation of the cognitive and an average level of formation of the motivational and value components. The work puts forward a hypothesis that the pilot project developed by the department and practically implemented in the educational process - the “Health-Saving_and_I” educational guide, will contribute to the formation of the personality of a health-saving type of student. The results obtained are intermediate. To monitor the effectiveness of the guide introduced into the educational process, a second diagnosis of the formation of the personality components of a student of the health-saving type is planned after studying the disciplines of the health-saving module by students of the 2022 enrollment
General Information
Keywords: Health-saving, health-saving personality type, cognitive component, motivational and value component, activity component, educational guide
Journal rubric: Psychology of Education
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The work was carried out at the Department of Physical Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" within the framework of the implementation plan for the research activitiy of the Research Center of the Russian Academy of Education based in the RSVPU in the area of "Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a person with competencies in the field of health-saving" Code PFSR RF
Received: 13.10.2023
For citation: Deikova T.N., Mishina E.G. Investigating the Effectiveness of the System for Training Bachelor Teachers in Health Promotion [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psychological-Educational Studies, 2023. Vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 25–42. DOI: 10.17759/psyedu.2023150402.
Full text
The state is actively working on the development of health care in the Russian Federation. A considerable number of draft laws concerning the sphere of the formation of a culture of health among the population are being developed and implemented, including the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation", the Federal Law "On Protection of Citizens' Health from Exposure to Ambient Tobacco Smoke and Consequences of Tobacco Consumption", the Strategy for the Development of Upbringing in the Russian Federation for the Period until 2025 [12].
Practically all over the country, the material and technical conditions for the improvement of the health of the population are being created, in particular, the number of sports and recreation facilities is increasing (sports and recreation complexes, swimming pools, fitness clubs), open sports grounds are functioning, free accessible programs to maintain the motor activity of different age groups are being massively introduced. The mass media are actively promoting the program of free All-Russian medical examination of the country's population.
Undoubtedly, there are positive changes in the introduction of different age groups to a healthy lifestyle, however, in the youth environment this trend is more for the purposes of image, rather than a conscious activity to preserve and promote health. A healthy lifestyle is perceived as a fashionable trend, as a component of fitness (acquiring a beautiful body) and so-called "proper nutrition" in its various variations. Therefore, the relevance of the phenomenon of health-saving remains at the present and is becoming increasingly important in the context of raising a healthy nation, which is the foundation, the main strategic resource of the economy and security of the Russian Federation [15]. It should also be noted that health-saving is an integral part of public health and can contribute to the improvement of the demographic situation in Russia.
A large number of scientific works in domestic literature are devoted to the problem of preserving and improving public health. There are two main approaches to the formation of the population’s health-saving, which are represented by the medical and pedagogical aspects of this problem. The vectors of the development and modernization of the health care system, its accessibility for different categories of the population, current problems and prospects for their solution are widely covered [16].
One of the relevant directions of research in the last 20 years is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for educating the personality of a teacher who has a formed competency in the field of health-saving activity. The teacher should not only have knowledge in the field of healthy lifestyle, but also be an example for students, which means that the teacher should be the flagship of a healthy lifestyle, i.e. he/she is both the object and the subject of health-saving activity [13; 17; 22, 23; 24; 29].
If we turn to the data of foreign pedagogy and medicine, in general, much attention is paid to the cultivation of the medical literacy of children and the youth, the creation of health-saving conditions in the educational organization and the training of professional staff [26; 27; 28].
In the context of the upbringing of the personality of a student capable of health-saving, the mechanisms of the diagnostics of the formation of the student's readiness for health-saving are considered, the structure of the readiness and level criteria for assessing the development of each component are proposed [5; 6; 8; 25].
According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" № 273-FL from 29.12.2012, in Article 51 it is noted that "an educational institution creates the conditions that guarantee the protection and strengthening of the health of students, pupils", i.e. the function of forming a culture of health in the modern young generation is assigned to the current education system, and at all levels of the educational process.
So, the system of higher professional education, aimed at the formation of pedagogical staff in accordance with the challenges of modern times, should provide the training of future teachers with competency in the field of health-saving. Thus, one of the priority tasks of the pedagogical university is not only the formation of a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality, but in particular the personality of a student of the health-saving type.
In our understanding, the personality of the health-saving type is a person capable of health-saving during the learning process in the educational organization, in everyday life and in future professional activity [4].
In the structure of the health-saving personality type we distinguish the following components:
- cognitive (valeological literacy);
- value and motivational (attitude towards one's own health as the highest value);
- activity (readiness for active health-saving activity).
Based on the above-mentioned, the purpose of our study is to diagnose the formation of health-saving personality type of the student as the object and subject of health-saving activity, as well as the development of a pedagogical technology aimed at the formation of this type of personality.
According to the Federal Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ the purposeful process of the formation of the health-saving type of personality occurs through the implementation of academic disciplines that are mandatory for all educational programs of specializations 44.03.01 and 44.03.05 and organized educational work, which is an integral part of the student's learning process in higher education. The "Life Safety", "Physical Education and Sports", "Elective Disciplines in Physical Education and Sports" disciplines are studied in courses 1-3 according to the curriculum. Therefore, the study involved 4th year students who have been trained in these disciplines and already have experience of pedagogical practice in educational organizations, and therefore have a sufficiently well-developed level of personal subjectivity development [18]. The study involved students of the Faculty of Sports and Life Safety, Psychological and Pedagogical Education, Science, Mathematics and Information Technology, Philology and Mass Communication, Art Education and Social and Humanities Faculty ((N=199, age 20 - 22 years), studying at the branch of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University in the city of Nizhny Tagil.
In accordance with the structure of the health-saving personality type proposed by us, the diagnostics of each component was carried out.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis questionnaires developed by us were used as diagnostic material for the assessment of the level of formation of the cognitive component. The questions of the questionnaire contained information about proper nutrition, physical activity, disease prevention, bad habits, personal and public hygiene, the ability to use information on health from various sources, psychological well-being and other aspects of health.
The coefficient of the level of formation of the valeological culture (C) of a future teacher was calculated according to the formula proposed by A.R. Kamaleeva and N.V. Novozhilova [11].
Based on the criteria above, the level of formation of valeological literacy was highlighted in each questionnaire. The low level corresponded to the coefficient value (C), which was in the range from (-0.7) to (-2), average - from (-0.6) to (+0.7), high - from (+0.7) to (+2).
To assess the formation of the value and motivational component, the "Attitude towards Health" questionnaire proposed by R.A. Berezovskaya was used [2]. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions, combined into 4 scales in accordance with the levels of consideration of mental attitude: cognitive, emotional, behavioral and value and motivational components. The closed-ended questions, which are table sets containing from 5 to 10 numbered statements, are answered by respondents according to their degree of agreement on a 7-point scale. This questionnaire allows for us to perform a qualitative analysis of the obtained data for each question and statement included in the studied value and motivational component [Berezovskaya, 2005].
The questions included in the value and motivational block of the questionnaire make it possible to identify the dominant needs in the system of values of students, including educational motivation, and the level of formation of the motivation for the preservation and promotion of health [14].
Readiness for active health-saving activity (activity component) was determined according to the method of S.G. Dobrotvorskaya [7] and by analyzing the students' solution of pedagogical cases developed by us.
Surveying according to the method of S.G. Dobrotvorskaya [7] reveals the typology of personality by orientation towards a healthy lifestyle: the positive self-developing type, the positive type, the moderately negative, the negative but ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, the positive-unstable type, the false-positive type, the negative type, the pedagogically neglected type. This method is a questionnaire consisting of 24 questions, the answers to which are evaluated on a ten-point scale. The questions proposed in the questionnaire concern all aspects of healthy lifestyle: nutrition, daily regimen, well-being, health values, presence of bad habits, motor activity, etc.
To identify the level of formation of the ability to apply theoretical knowledge about health-saving in practice, students were offered pedagogical cases. For each correctly solved case, 3 points were given in the evaluation table, for a solution with one mistake - 2 points, more than two mistakes - 0 points. This criterion assessment allowed us to identify the high, average and low level of formation of the activity component.
As an example, we offer the content of two pedagogical cases.
Case 1. You need to address the issue of the daily regimen of students at the parents' meeting, as the first lesson at school has become ineffective due to the frequent tardiness of children or a low performance caused by the sleepiness of students. What form of work with parents will you choose, list the methods and means used.
Case 2: During the school day you noticed that two girls from your class ate a lot of candy. Does the teacher need to intervene in this situation. If you think this is necessary, how would you build a dialog with the girls. What extracurricular activity could be organized on the topic "Health problems caused by sugar".
The activity component allows for the assessment of the level of students' mastery of the means, methods and technologies of a healthy lifestyle in practical activities.
The results of the assessment of students' cognitive component formation indicate its high level, according to the obtained mean values of C = 1.4. (Table 1). The high value of the coefficient (C) was noted in students studying at the Faculty of Sports and Life Safety (C=1,85), the low (C=1) - at the Faculty of Art Education. This situation is probably connected with the specific profile of training of future specialists, the presence of a large block of professional disciplines that contribute to the formation of the valeological culture of students studying at the FSLS. Despite this, the data obtained in the study indicates the good theoretical training in the field of health-saving of future teachers, which is carried out at different faculties of the branch of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.
Table 1. Results of Diagnostics of the Cognitive Component in Students
Faculty |
Sample (n) |
High level |
Average level |
Low level |
Average value of C |
44 |
94,5% (43) |
5,5 % (1) |
0% |
1,85 |
34 |
85,3 % (29) |
14,7 % (5) |
0% |
1,33 |
28 |
78,57 %(22) |
21,43 % (5) |
0% |
1,5 |
41 |
82,9 % (34) |
17,07% (7) |
0% |
1,5 |
32 |
81,25 % (26) |
18,75 % (6) |
0% |
1,38 |
21 |
66,67% (14) |
33,33 % (7) |
0% |
1 |
In total |
199 |
84,42%(168) |
15,57 % (31) |
0% |
1,4 |
During the evaluation of the results obtained during the diagnostics of the motivational and value component, it was found that, unfortunately, "health" takes a third place in the system of terminal values of young people, such as material well-being, interesting work, family, recognition in others, independence and freedom (tab. 2).
The analysis of students' answers about the place of health in the hierarchy of instrumental values shows that its role in human life is underestimated (tab. 2). This situation is especially pronounced among students studying at the following faculties: Social and Humanities, Philology and Mass Communication, and Art Education. All of this speaks about the consumerist attitude of young people towards their own health, which is probably associated with the features of age, characterized by the period of active socialization, personal and professional development, the manifestation of a variety of interests [9; 11].
Among the reasons for insufficient care about personal health, students most often noted such objective circumstances as a lack of time - 23%, the presence of more important things - 26%, the need for material expenses -23%.
Among the subjective factors respondents emphasized: the lack of necessity in caring about health – a "situation when nothing hurts" (26%), the lack of willpower (26%), the unwillingness to limit themselves in anything - 23% (Table 2).
Table 2. Results of the Assessment of the Value and Motivational Component of Students' Mental Attitude towards Health
Faculty |
Terminal values |
Instrumental values |
Factors of insufficient care about health |
objective |
subjective |
39%- material values; 32%- interesting work; 31%- health 30%- freedom 28%- family 28% - recognition in others
39%- perseverance and hardwork; 36% - abilities; 35%- health; 31% - material well-being; 28% - «right connections» 21% - good education |
26%- the presence of more important things 23%- lack of time 23 % - the need for material expenses |
26% - lack of necessity 23% - lack of willpower 21% - don’t want to limit themselves 20%- lack of knowledge on what to do |
39%- material values; 37%- interesting work; 31%- health 28%- family 30%-freedom 30% - recognition in others
40 % - perserverance and hardwork; 38% - abilities; 31%- material well-being; 31%- health; 27% - «right connections» 25% - good education |
28%- lack of knowledge on what to do; 26% - lack of necessity 23% - lack of willpower 21% - don’t want to limit themselves |
According to the obtained data of the study of students' readiness to conduct health-saving activity (Table 3), 4 types of personality are identified among the examinees: the second type (65.32%), the third (9.04%), the fifth (18.59%), the seventh (7.54%).
The majority of students, regardless of the profile of training, have a positive type, which is characterized by the readiness to lead a healthy lifestyle, but requires the formation of a culture of the self-preservation of health and the involvement in systematic activities for self-healing. The highest percentage of this type of personality is found in the subjects studying at the Faculty of Sports and Life Safety (tab. 3). The positive-unstable V type, leading a healthy lifestyle, but taking the position of a "child" in relation to their health, not inclined in a situation of good health towards self-healing, is found in 18.59% of students. No students belonging to types IV, VI and VIII were found among those who took part in the study. However, there are those who belong to type VII (7.53%) and are not ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, often resisting pedagogical influence. It should also be noted that among all the interviewed respondents there is no positive self-developing type that is oriented towards a healthy lifestyle, takes the conscious position of an "adult" in relation to their health, actively engaged in self-healing, applies various health improvement systems (tab. 3). Similar results were described in the works of a number of authors [3; 17].
In general, considering the results of the diagnostics of the typology of personality by orientation towards health and wellness, it is necessary to note the low readiness of students to conduct health-saving activities among students studying at the following faculties: Social and Humanities, Philology and Mass Communication, Art Education of the branch of RSVPU in Nizhny Tagil.
Table 3. Results of Diagnostics of Personality Typology on Orientation towards a Healthy Lifestyle, in Percentages
Faculty (sample) |
Personality Typology on Orientation towards a Healthy Lifestyle |
I Positive self-developing type |
II Positive type |
III Moderately negative type |
IV Negative, but ready to lead a healthy lifestyle type |
V Positive-unstable type |
VI False-positive type |
VII Negative type |
VII Pedagogically neglected type |
FSLS (44) |
0 |
81,81 |
13,63 |
0 |
4,54 |
0 |
- |
0 |
SHF (34) |
0 |
41,17 |
11,76 |
0 |
44,11 |
0 |
2,94 |
0 |
FPPE (28) |
0 |
75,0 |
7,14 |
0 |
17,85 |
0 |
- |
0 |
FSMIT (41) |
0 |
78,04 |
4,87 |
0 |
14,63 |
0 |
2,43 |
0 |
FPMC (32) |
0 |
56,25 |
3,12 |
0 |
25,0 |
0 |
15,62 |
0 |
FAE (21) |
0 |
42,85 |
14,28 |
0 |
4,76 |
0 |
38,09 |
0 |
In total (199) |
0 |
65,32 |
9,04 |
0 |
18,59 |
0 |
7,53 |
0 |
The analysis of students' solutions of pedagogical cases allowed us to conclude that students do not cope with this type of tasks and cannot apply their theoretical knowledge to solve a specific pedagogical situation. Only 4 students (2.0%) out of the total number of examinees managed to complete the proposed tasks in full (Table 4). In 57.78% of the examinees the low level of the activity component prevails, 40.2% have an average level of this criterion. The obtained results correlate well with the data of readiness testing according to S.G. Dobrotstvorskaya's method [7].
Table 4. Results of the Diagnostics of the Activity Component According to the Indicators of Solving Pedagogical Cases
Faculty |
Sample (n) |
High Level |
Average Level |
Low Level |
44 |
4,54% (2) |
52,27% (23) |
43,18 % (19) |
34 |
0% |
41,17 % (14) |
58,82 % (20) |
28 |
3,57 % (1) |
50,0% (14) |
46,42% (13) |
41 |
2,43 % (1) |
43,9 % (18) |
53,65 % (22) |
32 |
0% |
21,87 % (7) |
78,12 % (25) |
21 |
0% |
19,05 % (4) |
80,95 % (17) |
In total |
199 |
2,00 % (4) |
40,2 % (80) |
57,78 % (115) |
To check statistically significant deviations in groups of students belonging to different faculties, we used analysis of variance.
Assessment of the influence of the level of cognitive component formation depending on the affiliation of the sample of students to the faculty according to the analysis of variance showed that F calculated (0.09) is significantly less than F critical (3.1) at α = 0.05 and P = 0.99. The assessment of the influence of the level of formation of the activity component depending on the affiliation of the sample of students to the faculty showed that F calculated (0.21) is also significantly less than F critical (3.1) at α = 0.05 and P = 0.94. This allows us to conclude that the mean values of the samples are equal.
Thus, the diagnostics of the components of the health-saving personality type structure allowed us to draw conclusions about the formation of individual components in the student's personality structure.
The cognitive component is formed in students in full.
The value and motivational component is formed to an insufficient degree, the value of health is not perceived by students as one of the leading values and indicates the consumerist attitude of young people towards their own health.
The activity component, i.e. the readiness for active health-saving activity, in comparison with the previous components, is developed to the lowest degree; only 2% of students have a high level of readiness and 57.78% of students have a low level.
The results obtained during the study showed that the current system of training of pedagogical staff in the field of health-saving activity is not effective enough. This led us to the need to make changes in the educational process of training students-future teachers in the field of health-saving, in particular, to revise the content and approaches to the teaching of the "Life Safety", "Physical Education and Sports", "Elective Disciplines in Physical Education and Sports” academic disciplines,
A favorable accompanying factor for the development of new approaches to the formation of competency in the field of health-saving of students was the introduction by the Ministry of Education of the "Core of higher pedagogical education" in the system of higher pedagogical education from September 2022. From that moment the health-saving module is included in the curriculum and the process of the formation of the health-saving personality type occurs during the study of five disciplines: "Age-related Anatomy", "Physiology and Culture of Health", "Basics of Medical Knowledge", "Life safety", "Physical Education and Sports", "Elective Courses on Physical Education and Sports".
The result of studying these subjects is the formation of universal competence UC-7: able to maintain an appropriate level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activity. The methodological recommendations provide the indicators of achievement of UC-7, one of which says "has the technologies of a healthy lifestyle and health-saving, selects a set of physical exercises taking into account their impact on functional and motor capabilities, the adaptational resources of the body and on the improvement of health" (UC-7.2) [19].
We assume that the development and implementation of the educational guide in the educational process, filled with interesting and accessible content for students, will contribute to the formation of the health-saving personality type of the student.
As a pilot project to improve the effectiveness of the formation of the health-saving type of student personality at the Department of Physical Education, which is assigned disciplines of health-saving module, developed and launched in the educational process of the "Health-saving_and_I" guide from September 2022.
The guide contains five thematic blocks:
- physical fitness (includes assessment of physical development and development of basic physical conditioning);
- functional profile (assessment of the functional state of the body systems);
- time management (reflects daily routine, labor and rest regimen);
- healthy nutrition plate (assessment of rationality and nutritional balance);
- motor activity timer (analyzes the amount and types of motor activity during the day);
- check-list of training (a variable part for students' independent work).
Each block includes theoretical information in an interesting form and a research part, where students enter the data obtained during observations and measurements. Analyzing the results of their own research, students consciously, with the help of a teacher, and independently, can make adjustments in their own activities aimed at preserving and improving personal health. In our opinion, this should contribute not only to the development of the cognitive and value and motivational components of the health-saving personality type, but also to the development of the activity component due to the reflexive component.
An initial introduction to the guide takes place in the "Physiology and Culture of Health" course, where students are explained the method of working with it and fill in the first trial indicators, such as entry diagnostics. Physical fitness and functional profile are filled in at certain time intervals on the "Physical Education and Sports", "Elective Courses in Physical Education and Sports" subjects. The rest of the guide is filled out in practical classes during the study of other disciplines of the health-saving module.
Filling out the "Health-saving" guide is mandatory for all students studying disciplines of the health-saving module, which is unified in content in accordance with the "Core of Pedagogical Education".
To monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of the guide in the educational process, we plan to conduct a diagnosis of the formation of components of the personality of the student of the health-saving type after the study of disciplines of the health-saving module by students of the enrollment of 2022. The results of the monitoring will allow us to draw conclusions about the success of the hypothesis put forward in the study.
Thus, the diagnostics of the components of the structure of the health-saving personality type allowed us to come to the following conclusions:
- The cognitive component is fully formed in students.
- The value and motivational component is formed to an insufficient degree, the value of health is not perceived by students as one of the leading values and indicates the consumerist attitude of young people towards their own health.
- The activity component, i.e. readiness for active health-saving activity, in comparison with the previous components, is developed to the least extent, a high level of readiness is noted only in 2% of students, in 57.78% of students the low level prevails.
- As a pilot project to improve the effectiveness of the formation of the personality of the student of the health-saving type at the Department of Physical Education, which is assigned disciplines of the health-saving module, the "Health-saving_and_I" guide was developed and launched in the educational process from September 2022.
The results of the conducted research allowed us to conclude that the current system of formation of the personality of the student of the health-saving type, within the study of disciplines in accordance with FSES HE 3++ "Life Safety", "Physical Education and Sports", "Elective Disciplines on Physical Education and Sports" is not effective. Therefore, within the framework of mastering the health-saving module according to the methodological recommendations of the "Core of Higher Pedagogical Education" we have introduced the "Health-saving_and_I" guide into the educational process. The purpose of this development is to promote the mastering of theoretical knowledge in an interesting and accessible format for students and the formation of the ability to apply them in practical activities aimed at health-saving not only during the learning process in higher education, but also in everyday life and in future pedagogical professional activity.
The developed guide is a practice-oriented educational and methodological development, which can be successfully implemented in the educational process during the study of disciplines of health-saving module.
The limitation of this study may be the representation in the sample by students of only one pedagogical university. It is possible that students of other pedagogical universities will have a different level of formation of the components of the health-saving personality type structure.
The obtained results of the study are intermediate, the hypothesis proposed in the work requires further testing after the implementation of this pedagogical technology in the educational process.
- Berezovskaya R.A. Otnoshenie k zdorov'yu. Praktikum po psikhologii zdorov'ya. [Attitude to health. Workshop on health psychology]. Saint Petersburg: Piter, 2005, pp. 100–110. (In Russ.).
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