The problem of preschool education quality in Russian pedagogy in the late XIX - early XX centuries



We analyze the views of Rusian teachers of late XIX – early XX centuries on what are the most effective conditions for better organization of education and training of preschool age children. The general trend of preschool pedagogy at that time, with varying degrees of depth and consistency, was expressed by P.P. Blonsky, K.N. Wentzel, P.F. Kapterev, M.M. Manaseina, I.A. Sikorsky. The main conclusion of the author is that the research repertoire accumulated in Russian preschool pedagogy of late XIX – early XX centuries, is very rich and instructive. This scientific area is full of ideas that deserve careful study in order to improve the quality of preschool education in modern conditions.

General Information

Keywords: history of national pedagogy, preschool childhood, preschool education quality, preschool pedagogy theory, hygienic movement, free education, experimental pedagogy, educational psychology

Journal rubric: Methodology and Technology of Education

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Chmeleva E. The problem of preschool education quality in Russian pedagogy in the late XIX - early XX centuries [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2013. Vol. 5, no. 4 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


  1. Blonskii P.P. Vvedenie v doshkol'noe vospitanie [Introduction to early childhood education]. Moscow, 1915. 139 p.
  2. Van-Puteren M.D. Normal'naia detskaia dlia detei do 3-kh let [Normal children for children under 3 years old].Entsiklopediia semeinogo vospitaniia i obucheniia [Encyclopedia of family education and training]: V 59 vyp. Vyp. 14 / Pod red. P.F. Kaptereva. St-Petersburg, 1899. 18 p.
  3. Venttsel' K.N. Detskii dom [Orphanage]. Moscow, 1915. 12 p.
  4. Zhuk V.N. Mat' i ditia [Mother and child]. Obshchedostupnaia gigiena materi i rebenka [Public hygiene of mother and child]: 8-e izd. St-Petersburg, 1905. 1166 s.
  5. Kapterev P.F. Zadachi i osnovy semeinogo vospitaniia [Objectives and foundations of family education]: 2-e izd, dop. St-Petersburg, 1913. 123 p.
  6. Maliarevskii A.I. Religioznoe vospitanie v sem'e [Religious education in the family]. Entsiklopediia semeinogo vospitaniia i obucheniia [Encyclopedia of family education and training]: V 59 vyp. Vyp. 18 / Pod red. P.F. Kaptereva. St-Petersburg, 1899. 47 p.
  7. Manaseina M.M. Osnovy vospitaniia s pervykh let zhizni i do polnogo okonchaniia universitetskogo obrazovaniia [Bases of education from the early years of life and to complete closure of university education]: V 5 vyp. Vyp. 5A. St-Petersburg, 1899. 404 p.
  8. Povorinskaia V.V. Detskii sad i ogorod [Nursery and garden]. Entsiklopediia semeinogo vospitaniia i obucheniia [Encyclopedia of family education and training]: V 59 vyp. Vyp. 11 / Pod red. P.F. Kaptereva. St-Petersburg, 1899. 28 p.
  9. Sventitskaia M.Kh. Nash detskii sad [Our kindergarten]. Moscow, 1913. 68 p.
  10. Sikorskii I.A. Vospitanie detei mladshego vozrasta [Early childhood education]. Pg., b/g. 336 p.
  11. Sikorskii I.A. Khod umstvennogo i nravstvennogo razvitiia v pervye gody zhizni [Progress mental and moral development in the early years of life]. Kiev, 1901. 64 p.
  12. Fesenko I.O. Gorod i derevnia v voprosakh pervonachal'nogo vospitaniia [Town and village on initial education].Entsiklopediia semeinogo vospitaniia i obucheniia [Encyclopedia of family education and training]:: V 59 vyp. Vyp. 3 / Pod red. P.F. Kaptereva. St-Petersburg, 1898. 46 p.
  13. Filippov A.N. Ideal'noe ustroistvo detskogo sada i iaslei [Perfect device kindergarten and nurseries]. Moscow, 1912. 16 p.
  14. Shleger L.K. Prakticheskaia rabota v detskom sadu [Practical work in the kindergarten]. Moscow, 1915. 79 p.

Information About the Authors

E. Chmeleva, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russian Federation,, e-mail:



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