Designing Models of Practice-oriented Undergraduate Training Program in Psychological and Pedagogical Education (Primary school teacher) Based on Networking of Educational Institutions, Implementing Higher Education and Primary Education Programs



The article examines the activity approach to the design of the model of practice-oriented undergraduate teacher training program in Psychological and Pedagogical Education (Primary school teacher) based on the networking of educational institutions, implementing higher education and primary education programs. The model design was based on content analysis of the Federal state educational standard of higher education in Psychology and Education. The basis of the design is the comparison of labor actions defined by the professional standards and competencies, defined by Federal state educational standard of higher education in Psychology and Education. The content of students training was primarily aimed at solving the tasks of younger students educational activity organization, as defined in the Federal state educational standard of the general (primary) education, namely the achievement of meta-subject and personal educational outcomes of primary school students. The model presented here will be tested in 2014-2015 years.

General Information

Keywords: learning activities, teacher professional standard, Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in Psycho-pedagogical education, Federal State Educational Standard of general (primary) education, activity-based approach, competence, elementary school, teacher, internship site

Journal rubric: Pedagogical Education

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Guruzhapov V.A., Margolis A.A. Designing Models of Practice-oriented Undergraduate Training Program in Psychological and Pedagogical Education (Primary school teacher) Based on Networking of Educational Institutions, Implementing Higher Education and Primary Education Programs . Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2014. Vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 143–159.


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Information About the Authors

Victor A. Guruzhapov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Pedagogical Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Senior Researcher, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

Arkadiy A. Margolis, PhD in Psychology, Rector, Professor, Chair of Pedagogical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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