Institutions as an important component of the pedagogical process



The focus of the report is on the control system of preschool institutions (consid- ered not only as resource management, but also as an important element of the pedagogical process) and the development of its management principles. The author's position is the assumption that the educational process in the preschool years is “a continuous production cycle”. We emphasize that preschool educa- tional institution is a classic example of a development institution, where all the known basic control mechanisms should be even more verified by time. The main links in the pedagogical process are the principles of “correspondence” and “co- responsibility”. Effectiveness of preschool management should be assessed from the perspective of a child’s development, and, therefore, it can be achieved only “correspondence” is provided between the developing child, developing parent, developing teacher, developing preschool institution. The “co-responsibility” of parents and teachers in relation to the child is basic. We conclude that any ad- ministrative decisions of any administrative tasks should be considered and taken depending on their affect (if any) on the dynamic equilibrium; on the correspond- ence of responsible parent and responsible teacher, and on co-responsibility – sharing responsibility; on the continuity of educational process and training; on responsibility and reliability, on training in changing conditions, on adaptation to the unknown considering developmental psychology and physiology .

General Information

Keywords: effective management, preschool institution, child, teacher, parents, responsible parenthood, co-responsibility, correspondence, dynamic balance, continuing education, accessibility, developing systems, responsible cooperation, adaptability to the unknown and reliability.

Journal rubric: Reports and Conferences

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Khaikin V.L. Institutions as an important component of the pedagogical process. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2013. Vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 103–106. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

V. L. Khaikin, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Corresponding Member, RAE, Advisor to the Minister of education and science, Moscow, Russia



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