Psychological Science and Education
2010. Vol. 15, no. 5, 19–25
ISSN: 1814-2052 / 2311-7273 (online)
Development of Adaptation Potential of Student’s Personality as a Factor of University’s Educational Space Optimization
The article describes the nature and content of the «adaptation» and «adaptive» concepts, based on which the approaches to the development of these qualities in the students of educational universities are formulated. The terms «educational environment» and «educational space» are outlined. The essential characteristic of the «educational space» concept is analyzed as a means of improving the quality of vocational education.
General Information
Keywords: adaptation, adaptability, educational environment, educational space, adaptive educational system
Journal rubric: Psychology at School
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Mikhailova Y.N. Development of Adaptation Potential of Student’s Personality as a Factor of University’s Educational Space Optimization. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2010. Vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 19–25. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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Information About the Authors
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