Javetskij A., Kazmenko A.D. Speech implications in the description and expression of human mental states pp. 1–5 PDF (in rus.) 2446
Chugaieva I.K. Сhernihiv hagiographical source about Nicola Svyatosha: to the history of honoring of the prince-monk pp. 17–23 PDF (in rus.) 739
Lestev A.E. Dobrnya and Marinka. Discovering ancient myth which is underlies in traditional bylina (heroic poem) pp. 24–29 PDF (in rus.) 3153
Bezkorovaynaya G.T. The use of authentic dictionaries as a source of cultural information in the process of studying English pp. 30–35 PDF (in rus.) 944
Pavlishak T.A. Learn the lingo-cultural interpretation in the process of training foreign language teacher pp. 43–51 PDF (in rus.) 1292
Portnyagina V.R., Konischeva N.Y. Language as a tool for becoming multicultural identity in the era of globalization pp. 52–57 PDF (in rus.) 699
Tsehanskaya K.V. Speech etiquette forms of everyday communication and festive in the Orthodox culture pp. 58–69 PDF (in rus.) 706