Mathematical model of psychological development as a system



The goal was to build a quantitative description of the mental development as a system. Bibliographical analysis showed that the task is not solved. We offer a logistic regression analysis for the quantitative description of the system. Relationships of the probability of violations with age in the studied areas of mental development are estimating. The developed model was applied to the results of a psychological examination emotional, intellectual, behavioral spheres psyche of 785 children of Bolsheselskiy district of Yaroslavl region in age from newborn to 17 years. Describes the principles and structure of the obtained model reflecting special – time – systematic of mental development. It has been shown that the proposed model of the main characteristics of mental development: systematic, irregularity, the presence of crises. In the future require clarification of the nature and strength of relationship between the analyzed parameters, system response to the characteristics of the quality of life and health status of individuals.The goal was to build a quantitative description of the mental development as a system. Bibliographical analysis showed that the task is not solved. We offer a logistic regression analysis for the quantitative description of the system. Relationships of the probability of violations with age in the studied areas of mental development are estimating. The developed model was applied to the results of a psychological examination emotional, intellectual, behavioral spheres psyche of 785 children of Bolsheselskiy district of Yaroslavl region in age from newborn to 17 years. Describes the principles and structure of the obtained model reflecting special – time – systematic of mental development. It has been shown that the proposed model of the main characteristics of mental development: systematic, irregularity, the presence of crises. In the future require clarification of the nature and strength of relationship between the analyzed parameters, system response to the characteristics of the quality of life and health status of individuals.The goal was to build a quantitative description of the mental development as a system. Bibliographical analysis showed that the task is not solved. We offer a logistic regression analysis for the quantitative description of the system. Relationships of the probability of violations with age in the studied areas of mental development are estimating. The developed model was applied to the results of a psychological examination emotional, intellectual, behavioral spheres psyche of 785 children of Bolsheselskiy district of Yaroslavl region in age from newborn to 17 years. Describes the principles and structure of the obtained model reflecting special – time – systematic of mental development. It has been shown that the proposed model of the main characteristics of mental development: systematic, irregularity, the presence of crises. In the future require clarification of the nature and strength of relationship between the analyzed parameters, system response to the characteristics of the quality of life and health status of individuals.

General Information

Keywords: mental development, quantitative model, logistic regression, system, time systematicmental development, quantitative model, logistic regression, system, time systematic

Journal rubric: Empirical Research

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Koneva E.V., Solondaev V.K. Mathematical model of psychological development as a system [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2013. Vol. 2, no. 4 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Elena V. Koneva, Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, Associate professor, Head of the Department of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

V. K. Solondaev, PhD in Psychology, Associate professor, Department of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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