Recovery art-therapy of emotional conditions of oncology patients



The growth of oncological diseases makes relevant the problem of development of innovative forms of clinical-psychological help, aimed at optimization of the quality and longevity of the patients’ lives. The aim of the research is the development of ecopsychological model of complex treatment, including correction of pathological psychoemotional conditions of personality, caused by prolonged stress in case of breast cancer. The subject was the emotional adaptation of oncology patients by means of art-therapy. Practically-oriented task was to organize the system of art therapy work aimed at overcoming of complex influence of “extreme environment”, smoothing of consequences of psycho-traumatic experiences, negative mindsets, fear of relapse. As the art-therapy work facilitates the release of feelings of annoyance, hurt, despair, etc., it makes sense to assume that free expression of spontaneous experiences in non-verbal semiotic field using art materials will discover new resources in addition to verbal means of clinical psychological help. Research of personal characteristics, internal picture of the disease and perceptions of the self-image (current and prognostic – in present and in future) in the process of recovery art therapy confirmed its palliative capacities in mobilization of psychological resources, increase of adaptive potential of psyche, improvement of functional condition of the organism. Reliability and objectivity of the results is confirmed by positive changes in neuroendocrinal system (by measurement of the level of oxidant stress and cytokines).

General Information

Keywords: emotional adaptation, art therapy, oncology disease (breast cancer), projective drawing, psychosomatics, clinical psychological help

Journal rubric: Applied Research

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Lebedeva L.D. Recovery art-therapy of emotional conditions of oncology patients [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2012. Vol. 1, no. 3 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

L. D. Lebedeva, Doctor of Education, Institute of positive technologies and consulting, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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