Developmental disorders and inclusion



In this paper based on his invited presentation at the International conference «Inclusive education: methodology, practice, technology» (Moscow, 20—22 June 2011), professor Wolfgang Jantzen (Bremen, Germany) discusses two issues: the problem of philosophical, sociological and cultural foundations of the legal basis of inclusion, and the possibility of using cultural-historical approach as a theoretical background for inclusive practices. In his treatment of the first issue, the author takes a number of statements of the UN Convention of disabled people's rights', as well as other legal documents, and looks at the possible conse¬quences of those regulations for specific inclusive practices, revealing the possibilities and limitations of the existing legal stance. In the second part of his paper, the author makes an attempt to derive philosophical and methodological foundations for inclusive practice from the principal ideas proposed by cultural-historic approach in pedagogy and psychology concerning the defect structure and the role of social factors in the development of maladjustment. The notion of isolation and personal capacity limitation is selected as a key concept. The analysis includes a number of foreign psychological and philosophical studies that fit with the cul¬tural-historic approach in psychology.

General Information

Keywords: cultural-historic approach, inclusion, legal aspects of inclusive practive, developmental disor¬ders, social developmental situation, social determinants of development, isolation as a defect formation mechanism.

Journal rubric: Special Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Wolfgang J. Developmental disorders and inclusion. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2011. Vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 98–104. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Jantzen Wolfgang, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of Department of Special Education and Inclusion, Specialist in the Field of Special Education and Inclusive Education, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, e-mail:



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