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Arkhireeva T.V. System approach to understanding structure of Self-concept and patterns of its development in child age pp. 48–55 PDF (in rus.) 2116
Blinnikova S.L. Subjective representation of oppositional contents: models of resolving contradictions pp. 56–61 PDF (in rus.) 622
Bodziany M. Clash of cultures and identity. Sociological aspects of multiculturalism in the age of social changes pp. 76–81 PDF (in rus.) 1069
Goncharov O.A. Development of perspective constructions in the children's drawings pp. 82–90 PDF (in rus.) 661
Bozhovich E.D. Zone of proximal development: possibilities and limitations of its diagnostics in terms of indirect cooperation pp. 91–99 PDF (in rus.) 2303
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Zaretsky V.K., Kotliar I.A., Lubovsky D.V. Second International Congress of international Society for Cultural and Activity Research «Ecologies of Diversities: The developmental and historical interarticulation of human mediational forms» pp. 119–124 PDF (in rus.) 712