Editor-in-chief: Vitaliy V. Rubtsov (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Full Member of RAE, head of UNESCO Department of Cultural and Historical Psychology of Childhood, president, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Scopus ID
Deputy editor-in-chief: Svetlana V. Alekhina (Russia), PhD in Psychology, associate professor, Chief of the Federal Center for the Development of Inclusive General and Additional Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) Scopus ID
Executive secretary: Olesya I. Leonova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Leading Analyst, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
Members of editorial board:
- Irna A. Burlakova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Head of the preschool pedagogy and psychology chair, Department of Educational psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Scopus ID
- Oksana A. Draganova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education
- Tatiana A. Egorenko (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of School Psychology, Faculty of Education Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
- Marina A. Egorova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of the Faculty "Psychology of Education", Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University
- Svetlana V. Gani (Russia), PhD in Psychology, MSUPE
- Diana G. Krestnikova (Russia), Specialist of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
- Maria A. Safronova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Scopus ID
- Ksenia S. Shalaginova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, associate Professor of practical psychology and pedagogics chair, Tula state pedagogical University. L. N. Tolstoy
- Tatyana I. Shulga (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor, Department of Social and Pedagogical Psychology, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Scopus ID
- Anna A. Shvedovskaya (Russia), PhD in Psychology, assistant professor of the chair of developmental psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Scopus ID
- Irina B. Umnyashova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Pedagogical Psychologies, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
- Olga V. Vihristyuk (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Director of Center for Emergent Psychological Aid, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Chairman of editorial council: Vitaliy V. Rubtsov (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Full Member of RAE, head of UNESCO Department of Cultural and Historical Psychology of Childhood, president, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Scopus ID
Members of editorial council:
- Svetlana V. Alekhina (Russia), PhD in Psychology, associate professor, Chief of the Federal Center for the Development of Inclusive General and Additional Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) Scopus ID
- Alexandr G. Asmolov (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, professor, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Scopus ID
- Larissa K. Chausova, Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Rostov Region, Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance
- Elena G. Dozorceva (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education; V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Scopus ID
- Irina V. Dubrovina (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education, professor, Chair of Pedagogical Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
- Tatyana N. Klyueva (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Director, State budgetary institution of additional professional education of the Samara region "The regional sociopsychological center"
- Tatyana V. Kupriyanova (Russia), Deputy Chair of the Professional, The trade Union of workers of national education and science of the Russian Federation
- Arkadiy A. Margolis (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Professor, Rector, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Scopus ID
- Elena I. Metelkova (Russia), PhD in Psychology, Adviser to Rector, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
- Svetlana A. Minyurova (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Rector, Head of Chair of General Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Ural State Pedagogical University
- Lyubov E. Oltarzhevskaya (Russia), PhD in Education, Director, State Budget Institution of Moscow city center of psychological and educational assistance
- Evgenia S. Romanova (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology, Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU)
- Galina V. Semya (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University Scopus ID
- Vladimir D. Shadrikov (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Full Member of RAE, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE) Scopus ID
- Tatyana N. Udina (Russia), Master of Education, Director of Municipal Budgetary Institution "Center of the Psychology and Pedagogical, Medical and Social Care "Commonwealth" of the City of Cheboksary of the Chuvash Republic (MBU "Sodruzhestvo PPMSP Center Cheboksary)
- Еlena N. Volkova (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Director, Institute of psychology of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education " Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen"
- Eugene A. Yamburg, Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution, School № 109
- Anatoly L. Zhuravlev (Russia), Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Full Member of RAE, Full Member of RAO, Scientific Supervisor, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Scopus ID