Formation of Motor Actions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders During Additional Adaptive Physical Education Classes



Objectives. Ski training classes for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) help develop locomotor functions, develop physical qualities, strengthen health and compensate for the lack of motor activity. Adaptive physical education (APE) classes develop basic types of movements, including when moving on skis. Currently, in the practice of APE there are no methods that form motor actions in children with ASD by means of ski training. The author’s method of step-by-step formation of motor actions in ski training for children with ASD allows teaching the ability to move on skis in various ways.

Methods. The article presents the materials of an empirical study conducted in a group of 6 children with ASD aged 8—9 years. When teaching children motor skills in APE classes, the method of step-by-step formation of motor actions by means of ski training was used. Motor skills were assessed by the tests “Sliding step”, “Alternating two-step move”, “Simultaneous stepless move”. Diagnostics of the technique of performing ski moves was carried out by the method of expert assessment.

Results. The sliding step was mastered most successfully by children: 83% (n=5) of children mastered the sliding step technique. The correct technique for performing a simultaneous stepless and alternating two-step walk was mastered by 67% of children (n=4). The number of children capable of covering the distance using the alternating two-step walk and simultaneous stepless walk techniques increased from 1 to 5.

Conclusions. The presented results confirm the possibility of children with ASD mastering certain methods of skiing using a step-by-step method of forming motor actions. Application at each stage of non-verbal techniques, teaching methods (for example, action by demonstration), form the technique of ski moves in children. The proposed method was implemented in a guideline for the step-by-step teaching of motor actions in ski training for children with ASD. In the future, it is planned to develop a guideline for teaching the techniques of turns, ascents, and descents in ski training for children with ASD.

General Information

Keywords: autism spectrum disorders (ASD); adaptive physical education (APE); ski training tools; methods of teaching motor actions; step-by-step method of developing motor actions; motor skills; coordination of movements; alternating two-step walking; stepless walking

Journal rubric: Sociocultural Integration & Sports

Article type: scientific article


Received: 26.01.2024


For citation: Kharchenko L.V., Shamshualeeva E.F. Formation of Motor Actions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders During Additional Adaptive Physical Education Classes. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya = Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2024. Vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 40–46. DOI: 10.17759/autdd.2024220305. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Lyubov V. Kharchenko, PhD in Education, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Adaptive and Physical Culture, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Elena F. Shamshualeeva, PhD in Education, associate professor of the Department of Adaptive and Physical Culture, Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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