Personal identity, prosperity and personal social security
The paper reviews measurements and consequences of personal identity dynamics as well as its interaction with social security. Major tasks of analysis are measurement of factors influencing on personal identity and subjective experience of social confidence. Sources of data for analysis encompass results of taken in-depth interviews and group discussions collected together with GConsulting within the project “DTK. Personal and national identity and social environment” funded by Research Foundation MOMN.
General Information
Keywords: personal identity, actual and retrospective identity, social security
Publication rubric: Psychology in social management, human resources, organizational development
For citation: Levterova D. Personal identity, prosperity and personal social security [Elektronnyi resurs]. Socio-economic and psychological problems of management,
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- Ilieva Sn., Tsennosti i trudova motivatsiya. Sofiya: Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Okhridski. 2009.
- Kovacheva S., Narastvashchata nesigurnost na rabotatai neynoto otrazhenie v"rkhu kachestvoto na trud i zhivot // Ikonomicheski izmereniya i sotsialni posleditsi na globalnata kriza. Plovdiv: Universitetsko izdatelstvo “Paisiy Khilendarski”. 2012. c. 168-180.
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