Analysis of Russian entrepreneurs’ perception of business partner and attitude to him (her): regional and gender features



The paper discusses results of socio-psychological study of Russian entrepreneurs’ perceptions of their partners and attitude to him/her. Specific features of social notions of business partner taking into account regional specific features and differences determined by gender.

General Information

Keywords: business activity, business interaction, business partnership, perceptions, psychological relations, business partner, image of the business partner

Publication rubric: Psychology in social management, human resources, organizational development

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Vavakina T.S. Analysis of Russian entrepreneurs’ perception of business partner and attitude to him (her): regional and gender features [Elektronnyi resurs]. Socio-economic and psychological problems of management,


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Information About the Authors

Tatiana S. Vavakina, PhD in Psychology, Researcher, Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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