Socio-psychological climate in organizations with various types of corporate culture



The paper analyzes interrelation of socio-psychological climate and corporate culture in organization. The paper demonstrates that there is a meaningful relation between the type of corporate culture and socio-psychological climate, thus the most favorable psychological climate is observed in organization with clan-type culture, while prevalence of hierarchical and market-type cultures is associated with reduction of favorable features of socio-psychological climate. Results of this study may be applied in management, organizational consulting, coaching.

General Information

Keywords: corporate culture, clan-type culture, market-type culture, adhocratic culture, bureaucratic culture, socio-psychological climate

Publication rubric: Psychology in social management, human resources, organizational development

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Antonova N.V. Socio-psychological climate in organizations with various types of corporate culture [Elektronnyi resurs]. Socio-economic and psychological problems of management,


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Information About the Authors

Natalia V. Antonova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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