An Integrated Approach to Teaching Language Skills to Engineering Students
The article considers the methodology of integrated teaching of speaking and reading in English for engineering teachers. According to the goal, an analysis of the results of the study was carried out and an undeniable educational effect of pairwise association of types of speech activity was revealed. Appropriate tools aimed at the formation of productive English-speaking competence through receptive skills have been developed and implemented. Based on the selection of authentic language material and adherence to the basic methodological principles of working with audiovisual text, a set of exercises was developed through the h5p interactive constructor in the LMS Moodle. Programmable control of educational actions allows the student to master oral speech through conscious reading. It has been experimentally established that the use of an electronic educational resource provides a high dynamics of learning process in mastering speaking and reading when using a student's mobile device.
General Information
Keywords: learning management system, linguo-acoustic resources, integrated learning, speaking, reading
Publication rubric: Intelligent Technologies in Humanities and Education
Article type: theses
For citation: Zdaranok Y.A. An Integrated Approach to Teaching Language Skills to Engineering Students. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 306–316.
Information About the Authors
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