Some Contradictions on the Way of Informatization of Education



The article analyzes the situation with the processes of digitalization of education at the present stage of the formation of the information society. A number of contradictions forming along this path are revealed. Digital literacy is often aimed at forming a passive consumer of information. This circumstance contradicts the need to prepare the masses of thinking people capable of meaningful analysis of the information received and independent informed decision-making. The requirement is put forward that it is necessary to pay more attention to the procedures for the development of digital literacy from the perspective of positive development of society, shifting the center of gravity to the issues of educating reasonable behavior of members of the information society. The need for qualitatively new directions of mathematical training in general and the development of logic in particular is noted as an important direction of activity on this path. The role and place of the science "logic" in the training of members of the information society is substantiated. Attention is drawn to the contradiction between the requirement to strengthen mathematical training and the observed weakening of knowledge of logic. A number of steps are proposed to resolve this contradiction.

General Information

Keywords: information society, thinking, digitalization, logic, education

Publication rubric: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching in a Digital Educational Environment and Issues of Digital Didactics

Article type: theses

For citation: Voronov M.V. Some Contradictions on the Way of Informatization of Education. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 633–640.

Information About the Authors

Mikhail V. Voronov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Computer Textbooks, Faculty of Further Education, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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