The Latest Approaches to the Concept of "Cognitive Sphere of Older Preschool Children"



This article discusses approaches to the definition of the concept of "cognitive abilities" and provides a general description of this term. Significant neoplasms occurring in the cognitive sphere of children aged five to seven years are investigated. The development of abstract thinking, memory and speech in children of this age is considered in detail. Cognitive sphere in preschool age is one of the most important and interesting areas of children's development. During this period, significant changes and neoplasms occur, which play a key role in the formation of future cognitive skills and abilities. One of the most noticeable neoplasms in the cognitive sphere of older preschoolers is the development of abstract thinking. At this age, children begin to think more abstractly and generalize information. They can draw conclusions based on the facts provided to them and apply the knowledge gained in new situations. This opens up a lot of opportunities for them to solve complex problems and develop creative thinking.

General Information

Keywords: cognitive sphere, cognitive abilities, intelligence, child, senior preschool age, regulatory functions, memory, attention, transformations, neoplasms

Publication rubric: Intelligent Technologies in Humanities and Education

Article type: theses

For citation: Brykina K.A. The Latest Approaches to the Concept of "Cognitive Sphere of Older Preschool Children". Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 288–295.

Information About the Authors

Ksenia A. Brykina, postgraduate student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Gomel State University named after Francis Skarina (GSU named after F. Skariny), Gomel, Belarus, e-mail:



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