Bologna Process in Russia - new beginnings in 2009


Bologna Seminar on joint programmes and student mobility wiil be held in Russia, Chelyabinsk on March 16-17, 2009.

Bologna process in Russia has its supporters and strong opponents. It promotes reflextions on the cultural specific of Russan education, preseving "best practice" of soviet model of higher and post-graduate education.

Bologna process often is viewed in wider cultural, social and political context, not just in the terms of changing the mechanism of "making" specialists. For example, the seminar "Bologna process and democratization of higher education in Russia: teaching History and Human Rights at high school" was held in November 2008 in St.Petersburg.

In January 2009 consultations on Bologna process for university administrations were held in Moscow State University of International Relations. It was pointed out that some difficulties arise because entering into the international scientific-educational community takes place concurrently with educational reforms within the country.  

In the beginning of the new 2009 year there came a new book by A. Gretchenko "Bologna process: integration of Russia into European and international educational ground". It provides an outlook of the main goals of the structural changes in the system of higher education, proves the demand for integrational processes in Russa, enlists the requirements to the quality of training of students and tools for their attestation.

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