“Cultural-Historical Psychology” Journal Invites Authors to the Issue “Education, Development, and Mental Health” in 2025

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The editorial board of the journal Cultural-Historical Psychology invites specialists to participate in the preparation of a thematic issue entitled Education, Development, and Mental Health, The special issue Education, Development, and Mental Health will feature articles dedicated to the biopsychosocial approach to mental health issues and the key ideas of cultural-historical psychology, elucidating the mechanisms linking biological, psychological, and social factors. Methodological articles will critically examine contemporary neuro-reductionism, which has dominated many Western studies in recent decades in the development of issues related to development and mental health. Empirical studies expanding on Vygotsky's ideas regarding the role of collaboration with an adult and the consideration of the zone of proximal development for normal psychological development and compensating for developmental disorders will also be presented. Special attention will be given to the problem of subjectivity and the importance of supporting the child's subject position in educational and other activities for mental health. In connection with the 125th anniversary of the birth of Bluma Zeigarnik — an associate and collaborator of Lev Vygotsky—materials from a conference dedicated to her memory will also be included.

The submission deadline for materials is 01.09.2025.

The journal will accept theoretical-methodological reviews, original empirical and applied studies, as well as the development and adaptation of methodological tools for consideration.

Manuscript submission guidelines:

Language of submission: Russian, English

Length: up to 40,000 characters (with spaces), including the reference list.

Detailed information on manuscript formatting can be found in the Author Guidelines.

Only materials submitted through the Electronic Publishing Service of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education will be considered.

About the journal:

The journal Cultural-Historical Psychology is indexed in Web of Science CC (ESCI), Scopus (Q1), the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) Core, and is listed in the list of recommended journals by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of Russian Federation in the following scientific fields (Category 1). The journal is open access.

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