Developmental Disorders and Ways of Their Correction is the Theme of the New Issue of the “Clinical Psychology and Special Education” Journal.

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The final issue of the "Clinical Psychology and Special Education" journal for 2023 has been published (No. 4-2023).

The issue opens with a review of modern research on the psychological reactions of children to a situation of surgical treatment, conducted by E.A. Dubinina and A.N. Alekhin. The authors present methodological techniques for the prevention and correction of preoperative anxiety in order to reduce negative consequences at the postoperative stage.

The “Empirical Research” section opens with the work of authors D.A. Tsiring, A.V. Vazhenin, I.V. Ponomareva and Ya. N. Pakhomova, who investigate the psychological predictors of the untimely treatment-seeking of prostate cancer patients for oncological treatment.

In the article by A.D. Nasledov, L.O. Tkacheva, O.V. Zashchirinskaia, S.A. Miroshnikov, the results of empirical research are presented, the factor model of autism is described and the typical subtypes of ASD in children are highlighted. Brief practical recommendations for an effective early intervention to improve the potential developmental trajectory of preschool children with ASD are given.

The “Applied Research” section is presented in the article by O.A. Popova, N.M. Filina, E.F. Shvedovskiy, T.D. Dubovitskaya, V.D. Edigareva on the experience of using the PECS IV+ electronic communication device in work with children with developmental disorders. The conducted case study showed the convenience and effectiveness of using the electronic version of PECS in comparison with the widespread analog version. A decrease in unwanted behaviors and the successful development of requesting skills in children with developmental disorders were found.

Two papers were published in the “Methods and Techniques” section. A short form of the scale for screening gifted children is presented in the work of our Turkish colleagues Ş. Aydin Karaca and Ş. Kilinc. In the article by A.A. Zolotareva, a psychometric examination of the questionnaire for diagnosing depression in adults was carried out.

Specially for the "Book Review" section, I.V. Vachkov, the editor-in-chief of the journal, prepared a review of the "Special Psychology" textbook in 2 volumes (executive editor V.I. Lubovsky). The textbook will be useful to all specialists working with children and adults with various types of developmental disorders.

The issue concludes with a report by T.A. Basilova and A.V. Suvorov on the "Comprehensive support for children and young people with disabilities with complex sensory and multiple developmental disorders" conference, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of A.I. Meshcheryakov, a remarkable Soviet pedagogue and defectologist.

The full issue of the journal is available freely on the portal of psychological publications
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