On the Development of Self-regulation in Children and Adolescents in the "Psychological-Educational Studies" Journal

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The third issue of the "Psychological-Educational studies" journal (No. 3-2023) has been published. This issue of the journal is devoted to the development of self-regulation in children and adolescents. It reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the problem of self-regulation from the standpoint of both psychology and pedagogics. The theme editor of the issue is V.I. Morosanova, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Self-regulation Psychology of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.

The authors of the thematic issue consider the problem of self-regulation in the context of the resource approach, actively developed in recent years, through the universal and special regulatory competencies of a person, which allow him to consciously and independently set goals and manage their achievement.

The issue presents articles covering the differential and ontogenetic aspects of self-regulation development in children and adolescents. They reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the problem of self-regulation. Readers can familiarize themselves with the results of studies of the psychological resources of students' performance in primary and high school; get an idea about the peculiarities of self-regulation in preschoolers when using digital devices and when practicing music, about emotional self-regulation in adolescents with IMF, learn how to form self-regulation skills in adolescents in the conditions of public schools.

The issue closes with the "Psychological Tools" section, in which you can familiarize yourself with the methods of diagnostics of moral identity and parental mediation of children's media activity.

The full issue of the journal is available freely on the portal of psychological publications PsyJournals.ru.
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