The Journal "Psychology and Law" Calls for Papers in the Issue “Forensic Psychological and Complex Expertise: Theory and Practice”

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The international journal "Psychology and Law" calls for papers devoted to the research of the production of forensic examinations in criminal and civil proceedings.

During investigative measures and legal procedures in criminal and civil proceedings, in order to resolve various issues, investigators or judges often need to use special knowledge in science that they do not possess. Psychology is one such a field in demand. Special knowledge of a psychologist is needed not only in criminal and civil proceedings, but also to help law enforcement officers in operational-investigative activities, at the stage of pre-investigation materials verification or preliminary investigation.

Approximate topics of articles:

  • theory and methodology of the production of forensic examinations with the participation of a psychologist;
  • specificity of subject types of forensic examinations in criminal and civil proceedings;
  • principles of production of forensic psychological, complex psychological and psychiatric and psychological and linguistic expertise.

The invited editor of the issue: Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Farit Sufiyanovich Safuanov

You are welcome with theoretical, empirical and review articles for the thematic issue.

The deadline for submitting a manuscript is May 1, 2022.

Manuscripts shall be uploaded through the service of the MSUPE Press Open Journal System.

You are welcome to apply your manuscripts in English and Russian.

Requirements for publication and reviewing procedure are available in section "For authors".

Should you have any questions, please contact the editorial office of the journal, indicating the subject of the email "Special issue № 3/2022". Editorial office email:

The international journal "Psychology and Law" is included in the Web of Science Core Collection, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and others.

Publication in the journal is free of charge. Free access electronic version of the journal is available

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