Call for papers – Studying Play and its Role in Child Development: Traditions and Innovations of the Cultural-Historical Scientific School

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The International Journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology” is calling for papers focusing on the issues of play and its role in development in the context of the Cultural-Historical Theory and Activity Approach. The volume is to provide an overview of how the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky and his followers are applied in theoretical and practical understanding of play activity.

The special issue “Studying Play and its Role in Child Development: Traditions and Innovations of the Cultural-Historical scientific School” is to cover the following topics:

  • Theoretical challenges in understanding play in the framework of the CHT
  • Transformation of play in the digital era
  • Playworlds as a practice of encouraging play activity
  • Toy and its role in the development of play activity

Guest Editors: Dr. Olga Rubtsova, Dr. Maryline Fleer, Dr. Prabhat Rai and Dr. Glykeria Fragkiadaki.

The editors would welcome papers based on empirical research. Theoretical papers and papers offering a critical review are also invited. The deadline for submission of full manuscripts to be considered for publication is June 1st, 2022.

The “Cultural-Historical Psychology” Journal is indexed in Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus Q2 (CiteScore).

“Cultural-Historical Psychology” is fully open access and free of charge.

All submitted papers will be subject to peer review. Guidelines for authors are available at

The special issue will be in two languages – English and Russian, so papers in English or both in English and Russian will be accepted.

Manuscripts shall be submitted via MSUPE Press Open Journal System

If you have any questions, you are welcome to address them to the editorial office of the journal by indicating “Special issue on Play” in the subject line. Editorial office email:

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