Cultural-Historical Psychology: Traditions and Innovations (continuation)

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The third issue of the journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology” has been released. It continues the topic: “Cultural-Historical Psychology: Traditions and Innovations” (3-2020, part 2). The special issue is prepared in collaboration with the International Society for Cultural-Historical Activity and Research (ISCAR) and continues acquainting its readers with the variety of realms and contexts, in which Cultural-Historical Theory and Activity Approach are nowadays applied in different countries of the world. The first volume was published in July, 2020 (2-2020, part. 1).

The articles in the issue cover such topics as the relationship of learning and development in the context of social interactions (L.S. Vygotsky vs J. Piaget), zone of proximal development and scaffolding, joint activity as a condition for the development of new formations, children's play and many others. The two-volume edition invites the readers to an open interdisciplinary dialogue in the socio-cultural field of research, building a ground for further discussion on the platform of the Journal: “Cultural-Historical Psychology” and the forthcoming ISCAR Congresses in Brazil (2021) and in Russia (2023).

Guest editors of the issue — K. Plakitsi, ISCAR President, and O.V. Rubtsova, Head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Contemporary Childhood (MSUPE).

This special issue is dedicated to the memory of Elena Evgen’evna Kravtsova — Russian psychologist, founder of L.S. Vygotsky’s Institute in the Russian State University for the Humanities, granddaughter of L.S. Vygotsky. She passed away on March, 28th, 2020.

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