Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology
2019. Vol. 9, no. 3, 254–267
ISSN: 2658-3607 / 2658-6010 (online)
Methodology and Experience in Studying the Psychosocial Aspects of the Surgical Treatment of Patients With Musculoskeletal Bone Tumors
This article is devoted to the development of a methodology and research program of psychological and social aspects and efficiency factors of high-tech surgical treatment in patients with spine tumors and pelvic bone tumors. Analysis of modern psychological research in an oncoortopedic clinic showed the importance of psychological support during the treatment process and individualized psychological assistance to patients at all stages of treatment. The program of empirical research included dynamic assessment (before and after surgery) using clinical, instrumental, psychological and psychometric methods of objective indicators of the functional state and quality of life of patients with tumors of the pelvis (90 people) and spine (180 people) and their relationship with the individual and socio-psychological characteristics of patients. The program of five focus groups aimed at identifying the needs of patients in psychological support in the preoperative, early and late postoperative periods is presented. On the model of a pilot dynamic study of 28 patients with spine metastases, a significant improvement was revealed in both the general functional state of patients, general health satisfaction and parameters of quality of life (associated with emotional state and neurological symptoms) in the postoperative period compared with preoperative; this shows the importance of such studies to objectify the results of treatment and determine the main directions of psychological care to patients. We conclude that the program of interdisciplinary research—developed by psychologists of St. Petersburg State University and physicians of N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center—on patients with oncoortopedic pathology who underwent high-tech surgical treatment can serve as a basis for the development of similar comprehensive research programs in various fields of modern medicine.
General Information
Keywords: uncoortopedics, high-tech treatment, oncopsychology, quality of life, psychosocial factors, interdisciplinary approach, mental health care, focus group, pilot study, психологическая помощь, фокусные группы, пилотажное исследование
Journal rubric: Theory and Methodology of Psychology
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Shchelkova O.Y., Usmanova E.B., Isurina G.L., Valiev A.K., Sushentsov E.A. Methodology and Experience in Studying the Psychosocial Aspects of the Surgical Treatment of Patients With Musculoskeletal Bone Tumors. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Psychology, 2019. Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 254–267. DOI: 10.21638/spbu16.2019.303. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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