Mediating Narrativity and Rhythmicity in Early Mother-Infant Interactions – Consequences for the Developing Self



The article aims at investigating how cultural-historically evolved discursive practices become evident in mother infant-interactions. Specifically, it compares interactions from a still relatively oral cultural community (Cameroonian Nso farmers) with those from literate Western middle class (families in Munster/ Germany). Based on a dialogic conception of language, culture and human mind it argues with respect to human ontogenesis that children in distinct socio-cultural contexts will develop different subjectivities which are systematically interwoven with the prevalent sociohistoric conditions.

General Information

Keywords: Autonomie, Bewusstsein, -sprachbestimmtes –kulturspezifisches, Entwicklung, kulturelle Entwicklungspfade Individualisierung, zunehmende, Kamerun, Kommunikation, Mutter-Saugling Kultur,oral und literat, Vermittlung von, Dialogische Beziehung von Kultur, Sprache und Selbst, Kultureller Kontext der fruhen Entwicklungsprozesse, Munster, Narrativitat, Narrative Identitat, Nso, Ontogenese, menschliche, Protokonversation, Relationalitat, Emotionale Verbundenheit, Rhythmizitat, Semiotische Mediation

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Demuth C., Keller H., Yovsi R. Mediating Narrativity and Rhythmicity in Early Mother-Infant Interactions – Consequences for the Developing Self [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 4, pp. 11–36.


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Information About the Authors

Carolin Demuth, Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Psychologie der Universität Osnabrück, Abteilung Entwicklung & Kultur;, Osnabrück, Germany, e-mail:

Heidi Keller, Osnabrück, Germany, e-mail:

Relindis Yovsi, Osnabrück, Germany



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