Propensity to envy of people with dofferent type of the locus of control



The article represents the results of empirical research of the comparing of pro-pensity to envy, and the conception about the envy of other people to themselves in people with differ-ently directed locus of control. The integrative indicator of propensity to envy and envy to separate subject spheres are analyzed.

General Information

Keywords: Envy; subject spheres of envy; locus of control; external people; internal people.

Journal rubric: Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Beskova T.V. Propensity to envy of people with dofferent type of the locus of control. Sociosfera = Sociosphera, 2011. no. 4, pp. 13–17. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

T. V. Beskova, head of the Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Juvenile Justice, Institute of Social Education, Russian State Social University (Saratov Branch), Saratov, Russia, e-mail:



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