Kashparova E. Acquisition and transfer of knowledge in the context of social sciences pp. 9–13 PDF (in rus.) 504
Kukarnikov D.G. Basic concepts in the modern philosophy of social sciences pp. 14–23 PDF (in rus.) 560
Antipov M.A., Koldamasov A.S. Cyborgization of mankind as a display of transhumanism pp. 34–36 PDF (in rus.) 459
Kazantseva D.B., Khaitzhanov A. To research of the problem of minors criminalization in Russia pp. 37–40 PDF (in rus.) 420
Kazantseva D.B., Bryzgunova O.V. On the need for spiritual and moral development of children and inclusion in school course «Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics» pp. 41–44 PDF (in rus.) 450
Kolesova I.S. Sobornost is the main necessary condition of the orthodox art revival pp. 45–48 PDF 621
Antonova I.S. About the relationship between concepts «linguistic consciousness» and «professional language consciousness» pp. 52–57 PDF (in rus.) 877
Orlova M.A. The role of interaction of verbal and non-verbal means of communication in different types of discourse pp. 58–65 PDF 1401
Plisetskaya A.D. Using the national corpus of Russian language in metaphor studies pp. 66–73 PDF (in rus.) 487
Popkova E.M. A corpus linguistics perspective on the predictive validity of the English progressive pp. 74–81 PDF (in rus.) 453
Dmitrieva S.S., Panchenko L.L. «Vanishing twin sindrome» as one of the prenatal factors of formation of human personality features pp. 82–85 PDF (in rus.) 866
Efimova D.V. Valuable system of the person – the highest level of social regulation pp. 86–91 PDF (in rus.) 640
Efimova D.V. Research of perception and experiences of attitudes in family at teenagers of 5–9 grades from correctional school of vii kind and the comprehensive school pp. 92–95 PDF (in rus.) 458
Popova L.V. Effect of violations of functional family structure for minors social maladjustment pp. 96–103 PDF (in rus.) 678
Kadirov R.V., Yankina E.V. Psychological properties of people which did by a crime of sexual character pp. 104–112 PDF (in rus.) 869
Kharlov N.A. Monitoring the knowledge of students as a tool for quality control of education (for example Novosibirsk State Medical University) pp. 113–126 PDF (in rus.) 960
Efimova N.I., Burova L.B. Specific features of application of innovative foreign language teaching technologies in non-language oriented higher educational institutions pp. 127–130 PDF (in rus.) 718
Sleptsova S.A. The conditions of constructive salvation of teacher-pupils conflicts pp. 131–135 PDF (in rus.) 944
Kirillova A.I. Almsgiving as an indicator of socialization of Muslim migrants pp. 140–142 PDF (in rus.) 675
Kolchugina S.V. State regulation of Russian business in modernization period bourgeois: historiographic review pp. 147–152 PDF (in rus.) 691
Abdusalamova A.H. About the prospects of changes retirement age in the Russian Federation pp. 153–155 PDF (in rus.) 403
Doroshin B.A. The archetipical image of the bird-demiurge in mythological concepts of finno-ugrs of Volga region: the some anthropocosmic aspects pp. 156–160 PDF (in rus.) 647
Ionova T.A. Materials for workbooks for discipline «Psychology of management». Theme «Conflict in the work group» pp. 161–164 PDF (in rus.) 752
Lebedeva-Nesevria N.A. The abstracts of the lecture on the topic «The sociological approach to public opinion research at the system of sciences» for the course «Sociological problems of the public opinion researches» pp. 165–169 PDF (in rus.) 869
Surikova Y.A. The teaching methodical aid «Secrets of success. Professional success» pp. 178–188 PDF (in rus.) 644
Tikhonova O.N. Origin and functions of sacrifice: its traces in modern social and political acts pp. 143–146 PDF (in rus.) 737