Mental Development of Children with Non-epileptic Paroxysmal States in Medical History



The author studied mental functions disorders in children with a history of paroxysmal states of various etiologies and compared mental development disorder patterns in patients with epileptic and non-epileptic paroxysms. Study sample were 107 children, aged 6 to 10 years. The study used experimental psychological and neuropsychological techniques. According to the empirical study results, non-epileptic paroxysms unlike epileptic much less combined with a number of mental functions disorders and intelligence in general. However, non-epileptic paroxysmal states as well as epileptic seizure associated with increasing activity exhaustion and abnormal function of the motor analyzer (dynamic and kinesthetic dyspraxia). Visual memory disorders and modal-nonspecific memory disorders have more pronounced importance in the mental ontogenesis structure in children with convulsive paroxysms compared to children with cerebral pathology without paroxysms history.

General Information

Keywords: cerebral organic pathology, epileptic and non-epileptic paroxysmal states, mental development disorders, mental functions, dynamic praxis, kinesthetic praxis, increased exhaustion of mental activity, modal-nonspecific memory disorders

Journal rubric: Clinical and Special Psychology

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Turovskaya N.G. Mental Development of Children with Non-epileptic Paroxysmal States in Medical History [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2015. Vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 82–95. DOI: 10.17759/psyedu.2015070309. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Natalya G. Turovskaya, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the General and Clinical Psychology Department, Volgograd State Medical University, Medical Psychologist, Volgograd Regional Children's Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Volgograd, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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