Dubovitskaya T.D., Erbegeeva A.R. Frustration and Coping Strategies in Students with Learning Difficulties PDF (in rus.) 1354
Mikheikina S.V. The Relationship between Aggressive and Confident Behavior in the System of Psychological Interpretation of Individual Behavior PDF (in rus.) 1492
Gerasimenko N.A. Effect of Self-Assessment of the Professionally Important Qualities on the Individuality of Professional Activity of the Educational Psychologists PDF (in rus.) 1582
Pazukhina S.V. Development of Preparedness to Work with Left-Handed Children in Prospective Teachers PDF (in rus.) 1142
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Bakanova A.A., Mokhryakov O. Psychological Characteristics of Professional Activity of the Arbitration Court Judges PDF (in rus.) 1290