The Positive-Negative Asymmetry of Emotions on Different Levels of Subject's Development: the Insideqaqlevel and Interlevel Dynamics


The article focuses on interlevel (transition from one level to another in the process of subject's active development) and inside.a.level (development within each level) dynamics of positivenegative asymmetry as the relation of gradients of positive and negative emotions relative to their integral value (general emotional activation). On the basis of some data and conceptions it is hypothesized that inside-a-level dynamic is characterized by the movement from negative emotional asymmetry to the positive one, whereas in case of interlevel dynamic the movement in the direction from negative asymmetry to the positive one can be observed (as predicted by some well.known theories) as well as the movement in the opposite direction.

General Information

Journal rubric: Short Reports

For citation: Gorbatkov A.A. The Positive-Negative Asymmetry of Emotions on Different Levels of Subject's Development: the Insideqaqlevel and Interlevel Dynamics. Psychology, 2008. Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 148–156. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

A. A. Gorbatkov, PhD in Psychology, Assistant professor at the Institute of Education and Psychology, Sventokshisk Academy, Poland, e-mail:



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