Modernization of the Autism Research Ideas and Development of Support Services for People with Autism in Russia: From a Regional Initiative to Globalization of Solutions



The article describes the experience of the development of ideas of regional initia- tives, autism research, and the formation and development of the academic system aiming to help people with autism in Russia and abroad. The authors propose a model of autism research and the formation of a professional training system for specialists working with children and adults with autism.

General Information

Keywords: autism, education, support, professional training, International Autism Institute, International Consortium of Autism Institutes

Journal rubric: Clinical and Special Psychology

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Chereneva E.A., Bogdashina O.B., Casanova F., Li X. Modernization of the Autism Research Ideas and Development of Support Services for People with Autism in Russia: From a Regional Initiative to Globalization of Solutions. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2016. Vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 131–140. DOI: 10.17759/pse.2016210315. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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  2. Belyaeva O.L., Filosof M.G., Chereneva E.A., Yukina T.L. Organizatsiya inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya detei s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spektra  [Organization of inclusive education of children with autism spectrum disorders]. Krasnoyarsk: KGPU im. V.P. Astaf’eva, 2016. 127 p.
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  4. Bogdashina Ol’ga Rasstroistva autisticheskogo spektra: vvedenie v autizm [Autism spectrum disorders: an  introduction  to  autism].  Krasnoyarsk:  KGPU  im. V.P. Astaf’eva, 2012. 320 p.
  5. Bogdashina Ol’ga Sensorno-pertseptivnye problemy pri autizme [Sensory-perceptual problems in autism]. Krasnoyarsk: KGPU im. V.P. Astaf’eva, 2014. 240 p.
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  7. E.A. Chereneva. Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie praktiki soprovozhdeniya detei s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spektra: regional’nyi opyt [Psycho-pedagogical practice of support for children with autism spectrum disorders: a   regional   experience].   Krasnoyarsk:   KGPU   im. V.P. Astaf’eva, 2015. 150 p.
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  11. Chereneva E.A. (ed.) Kompleksnoe soprovozhdenie lits s rasstroistvami autisticheskogo spektra.  Sbor- nik nauchno-prakticheskikh materialov Vos’moi Mezh- dunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Com- prehensive support for persons with autism spectrum disorders: collection of scientific and practical ma- terials of the Eighth International scientific-practical conference]. Krasnoyarsk: KGPU im. V.P. Astaf’eva, 2015. 280 p.
  12. Mamaeva A.V., Belyaeva O.L., Pilipchevskaya N.V., Petropavlovskaya N.V. T’yutor v sovremennoi shkole: soprovozhdenie osobogo rebenka [Tutor in the modern school: support special child]. Krasnoyarsk: KGPU im. V.P. Astaf’eva, 2015. 220 p.
  13. Chereneva E.A. Organizatsiya i soderzhanie realizatsii onlain kursa v sisteme postdiplomnogo obrazovaniya [The organization  and  implementation of the online content of the course in the system of postgraduate education]. In Razvitie nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya. Materialy Chetvertoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii v ramkakh na- uchno-obrazovatel’nogo   foruma   «Chelovek,   sem’ya i obshchestvo: istoriya i perspektivy razvitiya, posvyashchennogo 80-letiyu KGPU im. V.P. As- taf’eva (g. Krasnoyarsk, 23-25 noyabrya 2013 g.) [Development of continuing education. Proceedings of the Forth International scientific-practical conference in the framework of scientific and educational forum «The man, the family and society: history and prospects of development», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of their KSPU . V.P Astafieva]. Krasnoyarsk: KGPU im. V.P. As- taf’eva, 2013, pp. 267–270.

Information About the Authors

Elena A. Chereneva, PhD in Education, Associate Professor, Executive Director, the International Autism Institute, at the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, e-mail:

Olga B. Bogdashina, PhD in Philology, Visiting Professor in Autism Studies, University of Birmingham, Consultant (Autism) – the European Institute of Child Education & Psychology, Great Britain, e-mail:

F. Manuel Casanova, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Center for the treatment of children's nervous diseases of the University of South Carolina, Greenville medical school under the Greenville County health care system; honorary Professor, honorary doctor of the KSPU named after V. p. Astafiev, Greenville, USA, e-mail:

Xiaoli Li, Professor, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, e-mail:



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