The Requirements for the Modernization of Basic Professional Education Program (BPEP) of Teachers Training in Accordance with the Professional Standard of the Teacher: Proposals for the Implementation of the Activity Approach in Teachers Training



The article discusses the problem of modernization of teachers’ training programs in the context of bringing them into line with the requirements of the professional standard of the teacher. The author distinguishes two basic tasks of professionalization of pedagogical programs aimed at achieving this goal: to strengthen the practical training of future teachers on the basis of the networking of educational institutions of general and higher education (school and university partnership), and to develop research competencies of future teachers, providing them the opportunity to carry out professional development (restructuring of their professional actions) on the basis of a mini-research embedded in professional practice and reflection of their bases. The author substantiates the basic positions of the activity approach in preparing teachers and shows the place of this approach in the context of modern practitioner-researcher and reflective teacher approaches. The article defines the basic requirements for the development of vocational education teachers’ training programs developed by the author on the basis of the activity approach in the context of tasks and professionalization of such programs, in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of the teacher.

General Information

Keywords: modernization of teachers’ training programs, teachers’ professional standard, activity-based approach, practitioner-researcher, reflective teacher, independent assessment of qualifications

Journal rubric: Pedagogical Education

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Margolis A.A. The Requirements for the Modernization of Basic Professional Education Program (BPEP) of Teachers Training in Accordance with the Professional Standard of the Teacher: Proposals for the Implementation of the Activity Approach in Teachers Training . Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2014. Vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 105–126.


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Information About the Authors

Arkadiy A. Margolis, PhD in Psychology, Rector, Professor, Chair of Pedagogical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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