Independent expertise of games and toys in Germany: the experience of “Spiel Gut”



The article describes the activities of a public expert organization in Germany “Spiel gut. Kinderspiel + Spielzeug” – “Play with Pleasure. Child's Play + Toys”. The principles of its work are described: independence from manufacturers of toys, contact with families and child care institutions, comprehensive assessment of toys, including chemical, educational, technical, sanitary qualities and price characteristics. The toys evaluation criteria are presented in detail: facilitation of independent and creative child play, child success, encouraging the imagination, as well as realistic depiction of the world, image integrity, environmental friendliness and safety, balance between the toy price and its durability, etc. The principles of toy selection for the examination, procedure and the stages examination are described. The meaning of “quality label” put by “Spiel gut. Kinderspiel + Spielzeug” – “Play with Pleasure. Child's Play + Toys” on the child play products is described. The impact of the examination on the quality of toys in Germany is discussed.

General Information

Keywords: “Spiel gut”, quality label, comprehensive assessment, toys evaluation criteria, play possibilities, playability, creating a conditional plan, quality of toys.

Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Abdulaeva E.A., Smirnova E.O. Independent expertise of games and toys in Germany: the experience of “Spiel Gut”. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2011. Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 21–28.


  1. Smirnova E. O., Abdulaeva E. A., Sokolova M. V. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie osnovanija ekspertizy igrushek v Germanii i Rossii // Kul'turno-istoriches­kaja psihologija. 2010. № 1.
  2. Vom Spielzeug und vom Spielen “Spiel gut” Arbeits­ausschuss Kinderspiel+Spielzeug e.V. D-89083, Ulm, 2004.
  3. Das Spielzeugbuch. 50 Jahre “Spiel gut”. 25 Ver­zeichnis des “Spiel gut” ausgezeichneten Spielzeugs, “Spiel gut” Arbeitsausschuss Kinderspiel+Spielzeuge.V. D-89083, Ulm, 2004.

Information About the Authors

Elena A. Abdulaeva, Educational contents specialist, Center of Psychological and Educational Expertise of Games and Toys, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State University of psychology and education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

Elena O. Smirnova, Doctor of Psychology, Рrofessor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogics and Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Education, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia



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