Parent-Child Interactions and Family Structure Features in Families with Intellectually Gifted Children



The article presents results of a research on parent-child interactions, structural and functional characteristics of families with intellectually gifted adolescents. The results obtained in the research show that these characteristics vary significantly from those of families with normally developing children. Four groups of gifted children were specified: 'gifted' children with/without neurotic signs, 'exceptionally gifted' children with/without asynchrony. Family situations characteristic of each group are described as well; it helps to understand the psychological sense and developmental paths of each four types of child giftedness. Seventy nine adolescents (studying at the 'Intellectual' school) and their mothers participated in the research.

General Information

Journal rubric: Family Psychology

For citation: Yakimova T.V., Yakimova P.Y. Parent-Child Interactions and Family Structure Features in Families with Intellectually Gifted Children. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2007. Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 87–96. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Tatyana V. Yakimova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of Neuro-and Pathopsychology of Development, Moscow State University of psychology and education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

P. Y. Yakimova, Senior Lecturer at Child and Family Psychotherapy Department, Psychological Counceling Faculty, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia



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