Teenager's image of parents and presentation of the relations with them



The goal of the research was to reveal the correlation between representations about relations with parents, character of the image of parents and teenager's ‘‘self-image”. In the research took part 30 teenagers in the age of 11 till 14 years and their mothers. The image of mother and father was revealed by the metods: modified variant of the test of 20 statements by Kun, the conversationdescription of parents in suggested circumstances. To reveal ‘‘selfimage’’ of teenagers were used: the modified variant of the test of 20 statements by Kun and standardized selfreports (the Scale of children's ‘‘selfcon cept’’ by Pirs–Harris). The representations about the relations with parents were revealed by the methods: Questionnaire ‘‘Interaction the parent – child’’, the structured interview created by the author to define the prevailing types of mutual relations of family and positions towards each other. The author revealed that the teenagers who have favorable relations with the parents, have the differentiated, emotionally sated and volumetric representations about the parents. The teenagers who have bad, conflict relations with their parents, have not differentiated, poor representations about their parents. These data confirmed the correlation between the character of the image of parents and the representation of relations by teenagers.

General Information

Keywords: image, relation, interpersonal per ception, ‘‘self-image’’, child's-parental relations, teenage age

Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Fomitcheva L.F. Teenager's image of parents and presentation of the relations with them. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2005. Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 26–40. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Ludmilla F. Fomitcheva, Post Graduate Student of the MSUPE, the Teacher Psychologist, State Educational Institution № 537, Moscow, Russia



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